Thursday, October 25, 2012


"JATUH" DVDs for sales!

 It's only RM5 for 1 copy (without postage/delivery charges)
 Kindly email to to make your order and for further information, thanks.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012



28/10/12    Bekok(彼咯) 地点未定 7pm
1/11/12     在马大的Rumah Universiti!8pm
2/11/12     Serdang 7pm
3/11/12      古晋 古晋大洲酒店  7pm
               (Grand Continental Hotel) 7pm
10/11/12    亚罗士打 Leverage Hotel, Mergong 8pm
13/11/12    永平 7pm
15/11/12     Bukit Mahkota 地点未定

已经巡映了的场次:14/9/12      吉隆坡        隆雪华堂
22/9/12      双溪大年    双溪大年水上乐园会议厅
1/10/12      无拉港        沙登国会议员服务中心
5/10/12      马六甲        马六甲民主行动党总部
7/10/12      居銮            新居銮金华仑酒家

12/10/12    槟城            槟州民主行动党大厦    8pm
13/10/12    叻思(Rasa)叻思新村村委会礼堂    8pm

Thursday, September 20, 2012

赵明福冤案-纪录片 (播放二: Sg Petani) -22.9.2012




The 'Rights of the Dead' on Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, by Tricia Yeoh, premiering on Saturday, 22nd Sept, 8pm at PJLA, Jaya One.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Justice denied: No Closure for Teoh's family

In less than a month, it will be the 3rd anniversary of Teoh Beng Hock's mysterious and unusual death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009.

Instead of getting closer to justice, a written reply from the Prime Minister dated June 20, 2012, has confirmed that the MACC trio who were implicated by the RCI in causing the death of Selangor political aide Teoh Beng Hock have been cleared by the Attorney-General's Chambers.

The Prime Minister said that the AG found that the MACC officers had not committed any offences under the Penal Code or the MACC Act. Thus, no action will be taken against the three officers.

Not only that, according to the written reply above, a special investigation unit set up by the MACC to probe the matter also found that the only disciplinary misconduct by the MACC trio was "not monitoring the witness during interrogation". 

No other form of disciplinary action will be taken against the MACC trio. 

NONEThe RCI report clearly pointed out that Arman Alies (the investigation officer known as "the bully"), Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus (left) (the assistant investigating officer known as "the abuser") and Hishamuddin Hashim ("the arrogant leader" who is also former deputy director of MACC Selangor) were guilty of excessive use of violence on Beng Hock, therefore police have more than enough reason to commence investigations against the trio for possible offences under Sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code, namely for culpable homicide not amounting to murder and for causing the death of Teoh Beng Hock by negligence, respectively.

Apart from that, there were 10 MACC officers who gave false testimonies during the RCI proceedings.
Grounds for further probes
They should be investigated under Sections 191 and 192 of the Penal Code for giving false evidence and fabricating evidence to protect certain parties from being held responsible for Beng Hock's death.

I list down below a few examples in which MACC officers were caught lying:

1. On April 20, 2011, Commissioner Datuk T. Selventhiranathan said during the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh's death that Hishamuddin had lied when he earlier claimed ignorance of police reports against his officers, which accused them of physical abuse;

NONE2. On April 27, 2011, MACC Asst Superintendent Azeem Hafeez Jamaluddin told the Royal Commission of Inquiry that Hishamuddin (left) ordered him to testify that Hairul Ilham had led the probe so as to cover up Hishammuddin's role in the investigation against Selangor executive councillor, Ean Yong Hian Wah; 

3. Raymond Nion testified that he saw Teoh Beng Hock at 6am on the 16th of July on the sofa outside Nadzri's room;

But, it was the view of the RCI that "he was not a reliable witness and was used by those responsible for TBH's death to distance them for their wrongdoings by creating an impression that TBH was not only alive at 6am on the 16th but was also resting comfortably and peacefully on the sofa outside Nadzri's room." [para 198 of RCI report] Raymond, in the opinion of RCI, was used as a time-marker by those concerned with TBH's death [para 200 of RCI Report] as it became obvious that "Raymond's evidence was tailored to fit certain objectives" [para 201 of the RCI Report];

4. Bulkini Paharuddin testified that at about 2.30am, on the July 16 after he had finished questioning Tan Boon Wah and briefed Hishamuddin of Tan Boon Wah's recalcitrant attitude, he had told Tan Boon Wah to go home and to bring the relevant documents required the following day.
RCI finds contradictions
But RCI found that his assertion was contradicted by several evidences hence concluded that "Bulkini fabricated this piece of evidence". [Para 80 of RCI Report];

5. Besides, Bulkini also claimed that he heard Tan Boon Wah shouting to Teoh Beng Hock in Mandarin "Ni loh!", translated by Bulkini to mean "You lah!" at the pantry. But after considering the evidence, RCI again ruled that "this assertion of Bulkini was fabricated" [Para 86 of RCI report];

NONE6. Right after the tragedy, MACC told us that TBH was released after his statement was recorded during the 3rd interrogation session but he chose to remain in the Selangor MACC office. 

But it was the finding of RCI that TBH was not released at 3.30am on July 16, but there was a 4th interrogation session conducted by Hishammuddin Hashim, Anuar and Ashraf. [para 194 of RCI report];

7. Guard Khairuddin said he saw Anuar sleeping in the visitor's area, but he pointed out an area which was different from the area where Anuar claimed to have slept at;

Anuar's alibi had been proved to be false as he was found to have with him a prepared script while testifying in the witness box which proved beyond peradventure that he had been coached. [para 195 of RCI Report] and,

8. As a result, the commissioners found that there was a "blue wall of silence came amply into play as evidenced by the untruths spouted by MACC officers to cover up the nefarious activities that took place on July 15 and the 16, 2009". [para 362 of RCI Report]

It is outrageous that despite all the evidence given above, the AG still maintains that MACC officers had not committed any offence under the Penal Code or the MACC Act while the special investigation unit set up by MACC also found that the only disciplinary misconduct by the MACC trio is "not monitoring the witness during interrogation". 

Why have the above named officers been given immunity? Why are they above the law?

打破懸案屬華人課題迷思 馬來劇團重演明福命案

為了紀念趙明福離奇墜樓命案3週年,一個馬來劇團“Rumah Anak





週三,劇團“Rumah Anak Teater"聯同社青團團長陸兆福、副宣傳秘書張念群召開記者會,如此指出。





《牵阮的手》 Peganglah Tangan Saya

Sebuah persembahan teater percuma dalam Bahasa Melayu akan diadakan sempena memperingati kematian mendiang Teoh Beng Hock pada 6 hingga 8 Julai bertempat di Indicine, KLPAC Kuala Lumpur.\
赵明福命案已经发生三年有馀,赵家与国人却依然没有等到完整的真相与正义。今年的纪念活动,我们首先借镜国外例子,在白色恐怖的年代,人们如何身体力行与霸权对抗,迈向民主化之后,我们又该如何偿付过去因国家不正义,而赔上青春、性命的受难者。 7月3日晚上7点半,欢迎你来看电影。 未竟之路:赵明福命案三周年纪念系列活动(一) 纪录片:《牵阮的手》放映会暨映后座谈 3/7/2012(二) 7pm-11pm 活动开幕人:张念群;纪录片导读人:黄进发 片花: 更多影片详情请点阅: 主办单位:民主行动党社青团;全民挺明福 Malaysians for Beng Hock


Kami sekeluarga, amat tidak berpuas hati, dan kecewa dengan kesudahan di mana tiga orang pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) yang disabitkan dalam kes jenayah kematian Teoh Beng Hock oleh Suruhanjaya Diraja, dikenakan hanya dengan tindakan disiplin. Malah, kami sangat kecewa dengan kerajaan yang diterajui Perdana Menteri Najib Razak.
Dua tahun sebelum ini, PM Najib Razak pernah berjanji kepada keluarga, malah mengumumkan secara terbuka, bahawa beliau akan sedaya upaya menyiasat apa yang berlaku sebenarnya dalam kejadian kematian Beng Hock. Malah beliau berikrar bahawa mereka yang bersalah akan dihukum, dan tidak akan dilepaskan sewenang-wenangnya. Ikrar tersebut masih berdengung di tepi telinga, namun PM Najib pula kelihatan bagai melepaskan batuk di tangga ketika mengendalikan kes ini. Kami amat terkilan dengan kesudahan sedemikian. Sepanjang perbicaraan selama tiga tahun, tidak pernah kami patah hati dalam usaha untuk mengembalikan kebenaran, menegakkan keadilan untuk Beng Hock. Dari inkues (yang terpaksa kami terima, kerana PM menjanjikan satu jawapan yang memuaskan kami), kami menahan kepiluan untuk mengeluarkan mayat Beng Hock dari kuburnya; hinggalah pertemuan bahawa luka pada bahagian lehernya berlaku sebelum jatuh dari bangunan (Beng Hock jatuh dalam keadaan separa pengsan atau pengsan sepenuhnya). Segala-gala ini disimpulkan dengan satu keputusan bernama open verdict.
Kemudian kami berulang-alik dari utara ke selatan, kempen tandatangan, dan akhirnya kami dibalas dengan satu suruhanjaya diraja yang tempang. Tawaran polis Hong Kong untuk membantu dalam siasatan ditolak. Suruhanjaya Diraja menolak laporan yang disempurnakan oleh pakar yang menganalisa insiden jatuh bangunan, menolak pakar forensik dari Australia yang diundang Majlis Peguam. Lebih-lebih lagi, apabila laporan doktor psikologi Australia menyimpulkan bahawa Beng Hock tergolong dalam kategori "berisiko rendah untuk bunuh diri", suruhanjaya diraja pula menyimpulkan Beng Hock di-bunuh diri dengan hujah yang tidak berasas - sememangnya memerit hati kami. Apakah kes jenayah boleh ditangani dan diselesaikan dengan tindakan disiplin? Apakah itu sahaja janji PM, malah kemampuan seseorang peneraju kerajaan?
Sememangnya nyawa manusia adalah mustahak. Bolehkah sesebuah negara mengendalikan pegawai yang disabit kes jenayah dengan sebegitu? Apakah ia bermaksud kerajaan Barisan Nasional melihat nyawa manusia bagai lalang, kehakiman sesebuah negara sedang di-bunuh diri? Dan, di manakah keadilan? Tiga tahun kami harungi dalam perjalanan mencari kebenaran. Kami tidak akan pasrah begitu sahaja di tengah-tengah jalan. Kami tidak akan berhenti di sini - berhenti pada tindakan disiplin yang "tidak masuk akal", "berniat untuk menyelindung" dan "zalim". Kami memohon agar mereka yang terlibat tidak sekadar dikenakan tindakan disiplin, tetapi tindakan undang-undang, untuk mengembalikan kebenaran. Kes ini melibatkan nyawa manusia, dan ia merupakan kes jenayah, bukan masalah disiplin. Tindakan disiplin tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengendali kes jenayah, dan ia bukan sejenis hukuman. Terima kasih.


麗蘭︰ 人間到底有沒有公義?我想妳比一般人更能深切體會。但萬萬不可泄氣,更不可忘記妳是站在正義這一邊,有這種精神動力,妳不怕跟任何人鬥爭,因為妳的鬥爭中有力量,妳的鬥爭中有愛。 但在鬥爭的過程裡,難免會面對考驗,因為妳不只有朋友,也有敵人。他們不會贊賞妳的大勇,只會對妳灌輸垃圾般的謬誤,例如逝者已矣,別再執著;又例如學習放下,才能自在。 但這些涼薄的人從不知道若那種慘事發生在他們身上,他們一樣會跟反貪會、跟政府拼了!因為失去的是一條生命,並且死得不明不白!如果這樣也“不執著”,也“放下”,只為了“自在”,妳不覺得太駭人嗎? 所以妳的淚水就憾動了人心,滑落的悲涼則突出這個國家需要改變的是什么。但妳我也明白,群眾是善忘的。該對明福有所交代,和負上責任的大爺,更是希望事情拖得越久越好,直到淡出人民的記憶。 可是我告訴妳,不會有這種事。凡有點良知的人,“江水皆東我獨西”,你越想我忘記,我越放在心上、掛在嘴上、寫在紙上、貼在街上,直到一個個對不起明福的人,押到刑台上。 這種頑抗很動人,也許成功的几率不高,事實上依目前明福案件的進展,也實在令人沮喪,但這絕不代表允許放棄。古時代蚩尤與黃帝大戰,被斬掉了頭,但仍然以雙乳為眼、肚臍為口,繼續跟黃帝決勝負。即使最終敗亡,但他的精神值得我們記取,因為他從不放棄,他在堅持上面表現出他蚩尤的水準。 我們人民也會在王八蛋面前表現出我們的水準。忘記明福我們做不到,除非公義能夠彰顯出來,否則沒有什么算了! 麗蘭,我相信妳也是這么想. 曾慶和

Monday, February 13, 2012

Update on Teoh Beng Hock's Trust Fund

As at December 23, 2011, donations for Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund totaled RM513,405.30 while disbursements for living expenses of Beng Hock’s son Er Jia amounted to RM40,245.50.

RM30,004.40 was disbursed for purchasing education insurance for Er Jia (with payments in 2011 and 2012 amounted to RM15,002.25 and 15,002.15 respectively) and also RM3,602.15 was paid for a medical insurance.

The purpose of purchasing the education insurance is to ensure that when Er Jia attains the age of 18, he will be able to afford his education expenses, which by then would be very expensive; we are paying RM15,010 annually over 15 years whereby the total payments would amount to RM225,001.50.

However, upon the maturity of the insurance scheme, the expected return is estimated to be at RM330,177 to RM407,470 and it is a long term investment.

The Trust Fund continues to receive donations from kind hearted people, most of them donated anonymously. I wish to express my gratitude for their kind deeds and promise to administer the funds properly.

The people are still waiting for justice for Beng Hock, I hope all Malaysians will continue to lend their support to the Teoh family.

teonieching's Home











發文作者 新紀元學院前進陣線

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Remind Najib:honour his solemn undertaking to leave “no stone unturned” to find out the truth about Beng Hock’s death/face the censure of voters

For more than 30 months since his murder at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters at Shah Alam on July 16, 2009, justice have been denied to Teoh Beng Hock.

Despite an inquest, an exhumation, a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) and solemn undertaking by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to Teoh Beng Hock’s family that “no stone would be left unturned”, the full frightening story of the causes and circumstances for Beng Hock’s murder at MACC Headquarters have still to be told and full justice given to Beng Hock and family.

The Coroner Muntapha Abas in Beng Hock’s inquest had ruled out suicide but had returned an open verdict as there was insufficient evidence to prove that his death was a homicide.

The James Foong RCI came out with a finding overturning the verdict of the Inquest ruling out suicide – concluding that Beng Hock was “driven to commit suicide by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation”.

This is most unacceptable finding as it was not based on any evidence but completely a leap in speculation by the RCI.

Although no sufficient evidence was adduced at the RCI to establish Beng Hock’s killers, it was clearly established at the RCI that there was a conspiracy of “blue wall of silence” among the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers to “cover up” what actually transpired at the MACC resulting in Beng Hock’s death, with the RCI publicly condemning the MACC Selangor officers except for two “brave” witnesses as a pack of liars who blatantly told lies and perjured at the RCI.

Since the publication of the RCI report in July last year, Najib had washed his hands and cleanly forgotten his solemn undertaking to Beng Hock’s family to “leave no stone unturned” to find out the real causes of Beng Hock’s death – in other words, to hunt down Beng Hock’s killers!

After the publication of the RCI report, Najib said he left the decision of penalising the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) trio named by the RCI to the MACC, the police and the Attorney-General.

There have been no action whatsoever on the part of the police and the Attorney-General while what happened in the MACC has been an even greater charade – with no news in the past six months about the outcome of MACC internal probe against the three MACC officers implicated with Beng Hock’s death.

Former Court of Appeal judge N.H. Chan in his article “Who killed Teoh Beng Hock” after the RCI report said the implicated MACC officers should not only be charged under Sections 304 (culpable homicide) and 304A (causing death by negligence) of the Penal Code, but even murder under Section 302.

Why has there been inaction whether by the police, the Attorney-General or MACC.

Najib cannot pass the buck of responsibility of fulfilling his “leave no stone unturned” pledge to Beng Hock’s family to a third party.

Pakatan Rakyat MPs will remind Najib in the March Parliament that he has failed to honour his solemn undertaking to leave “no stone unturned” to find out the truth about Beng Hock’s death and demand that he keep to his pledge to Beng Hock’s family or face censure by the electorate in the forthcoming general elections.

Tomorrow the Court of Appeal will sit in Putrajaya at 9 am to decide on the application for leave for appeal against the High Court decision in December rejecting a judicial review of the open verdict of the inquest into Beng Hock’s death.

Will there be justice for Beng Hock tomorrow?

Saya mahu bersama keluarga Beng Hock menghadapi keputusan mahkamah

"Beng Hock menggalas harapan orang ramai untuk menemui kebenaran. Harapan sedemikian sebenarnya adalah keprihatinan orang ramai terhadap satu masyarakat yang bebas dari kezaliman dan keganasan. Harapan sedemikian menunjukkan bahawa kebenaran adalah mustahak. Seandainya kebenaran tidak penting, maka keganasan dan kezaliman yang tidak dikecam dan dihukum berdasarkan undang-undang bakal kembali semula. Usah lagi kami berbicara untuk mempertahankan nilai masyarakat yang lain." 【Wahai PM, sejak bila kes Teoh Beng Hock dipandang berat?】

Kata-kata di atas sungguh bermakna, bermakna buat kita yang mahu lihat keadilan tertegak, kebenaran diserlahkan. Kata-kata di atas diluahkan oleh ahli keluarga Teoh Beng Hock menjelang tarikh Mahkamah Persekutuan 2 Februari 2012, bakal menyampaikan keputusan kepada rayuan abang Mendiang Teoh Beng Hock yang ingin mencari kebenaran di dalam kes kematian adiknya di bawah jagaan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.

Peristiwa berlaku pada 16 Julai 2009. Saya masih mengingati peristiwa itu. Imej Teoh Beng Hock yang terdampar di atas bumbung bangunan yang menempatkan pejabat SPRM jelas di dalam ingatan saya. Saya yakin seluruh rakyat yang melihat imej itu terkejut dengan apa yang ada di depan mata dan terkejut dengan peristiwa tersebut. Gambar tersebut kelihatan amat menyedihkan, sukar diterima akal bahawa beliau terjun membunuh diri.

Isu apa bangsanya atau apa agama yang dianutinya tidak boleh diambil kira lagi. Keadilan untuk Mendiang Beng Hock, ahli keluarganya, secara khusus dan secara umumnya kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Bukannya semata anak bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan atau suku kaum mana jua.

Kematiannya perlu dibela dan mendapat pembelaan, sedih sekali dengan peristiwa tersebut. "Teoh Beng Hock's body was found sprawled on the 5th floor of the Plaza Masalam", itulah tajuk berita yang menggemparkan pada tarikh tersebut.

Kini lebih dua tahun telah berlalu, ahli keluarganya masih lagi mencari ruang bagi mencari kebenaran tersebut walau Suruhanjaya di Raja menyiasat kematian Teoh beng Hock telah memutuskan bahawa Teoh Beng Hock telah membunuh diri kerana tertekan dengan soal-siasat SPRM yang terlalu agresif.

Sungguh hilang perkataan bagi menggambarkan kekejaman dan kezaliman yang berlaku ini. Apatah lagi bagi ahli keluarga ini.

2 Februari 2012, awal pagi setelah menghantar anak ke sekolah saya masih berkira-kira apakah saya mahu memandu jauh ke Putrajaya untuk bersama memberikan sokongan. Terlalu banyak perkara yang mahu diselesaikan namun ingatan saya tetap bersama keluarga ini. Sebolehnya mahu ada di sana bersama mereka sebagai bukti jelas bahawa kami prihatin. Apa jua keputusan yang bakal diterima kami mahu ada bersama.

Jam 8 pagi saya menerima panggilan dari seorang teman yang juga aktivis yang dua kali merengkok di dalam penjara bersama.

"Kak, pergi Putrajaya tak?" tanpa bertanya apa sebabnya dan seolah mengerti apa yang dia maksudkan saya menjawab, "Ya, nak pergi ni."

Segera saya bersiap dan menuju ke Putrajaya dari Gombak. Tiba di sana saya terpegun melihat masih ramai yang turut sama hadir memberikan sokongan pada ahli keluarga yang malang ini. Sudah tentu ianya majoriti tertumpu kepada satu bangsa sahaja. Saya tersenyum di dalam hati kerana saya berjaya hadir dan buktikan bahawa dalam perjuangan mencari kebenaran dan menegakkan keadilan kita tidak mengira apa bangsa dan agama. Dalam apa hal sekalipun.

Kawan-kawan keluarga Teoh Beng Hock menunjukkan gelang getah berwarna hitam yang dipakai di tangan mereka. Adik Teoh Beng Hock juga menunjukkan gelang tersebut. "Julai 2009" lebih dua tahun berlalu, tulisannya telah pudar namun ingatan mereka padanya tidak pernah pudar.

"Kami Tetap Ingat" Seorang lelaki yang baik, sudah dekat tarikh mendirikan rumahtangga dengan wanita pilihan hatinya. Namun dek kerana dakwaan salahguna wang berjumlah kira-kira RM2,400 oleh seorang ahli politik maka beliau telah menjadi mangsa soal siasat hingga membawa kepada kematianya. Hati ibu mana yang tidak hancur, kecewa dan marah. Saya berkongsi perasaan itu walau tidak parah dizalimi oleh mereka yang zalim seperti keluarga ini.

Merah mata adiknya, sugul wajah ibunya memegang erat gambar mendiang anaknya. "3 orang itu hanya digantung kerja." Perlahan ibunya meluahkan perasaan tentang ketidakpuasan hati dengan apa yang berlaku dalam sistem yang ada.

Saya turut menghadiri salah satu sidang siasatan Suruhanjaya di Raja yang dijalankan di Mahkamah Jalan Duta. Saya mendengar sesi soalan dan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi yang dipanggil dari kakitangan SPRM yang terlibat. Sukar diterima di hati ini. Saya mengingati sebahagian kenyataan yang diberi "Teoh Beng Hock diletakkan di sebuah bilik seorang diri, lewat malam. Dia kelihatan diam dan murung." Saya membayangi situasi ini dan merasa sedih dan kesal dengan apa yang berlaku.

Saya juga jika berada di tempat mereka, jika musibah begitu berlaku kepada saya, saya pasti akan bangun menentang dan berjuang bagi menegakkan kebenaran untuk orang yang disayangi. Saya mengingati kembali peristiwa ketika suami saya bersama sembilan yang lain ditangkap di Perhimpunan Aman membantah perlantikan Menteri Besar Perak. Mereka telah dipenjarakan selama empat hari dan pada hari kedua mereka telah dibawa ke Mahkamah tanpa dimaklumkan kepada peguam dan ahli keluarga. Saya tidak dapat membayangkan perasaan saya ketika itu, sungguh takut dan marah apatah lagi kisah kematian dalam tahanan A.Kugan baru sahaja didengar berlaku. Saya menangis menahan rasa kerisauan dan marah ketika itu.

Teoh Beng Hock masuk ke pejabat SPRM sehari dalam keadaan yang sihat, tenang dan waras, malangnya keesokan paginya tubuhnya terdampar di atas sebuah bangunan. Hasil siasatan pula menunjukkan beliau membunuh diri kerana tertekan dengan sesi soal siasat.

"Rayuan dibenarkan, rayuan dibenarkan." Air mata sudah kering, wajah sugul kembali tenang, kami bersalaman dan berpelukan. Sedikit sinar kelihatan di wajah adik Teoh Beng Hock. Keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang membenarkan rayuan ahli keluarga Teoh beng Hock. Nampak sedikit sinar di lorong yang panjang dan sempit, yang disempitkan oleh segala bentuk ketidakadilan dan kezaliman semata-mata kerana mereka yang berkuasa mahu terus berkuasa hingga sanggup melihat rakyatnya sendiri terbunuh dan dibunuh.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Nazri Aziz (gambar kanan), "Bagi pihak kerajaan, saya melahirkan rasa kesal kepada keluarga mendiang Teoh. Kerajaan turut bersedih dengan kejadian ini dan dengan selesainya siasatan Suruhanjaya Duraja ini, saya berharap semua pihak, termasuk keluarga Teoh dapat menutup episod ini," katanya.

Mudah bunyinya sedangkan satu nyawa melayang dengan kejamnya. Mana mungkin perkara sebesar dan sezalim ini dapat dilupakan dan ditutup begitu saja. Keluarga malah rakyat yang prihatin akan tetap mahu mencari kebenaran dan melihat keadilan ditegakkan.

Justice for Teoh Beng Hock. Seorang anak kecil dijulang tanpa si anak kecil itu tahu bahawa bapanya telah menjadi mangsa kezaliman.

"Kami tetap ingat, Kami tidak lupa." Kami akan terus bersama berjuang menegakkan kebenaran dan melawan kezaliman.

*Nashita Md Noor ialah ibu kepada empat orang anak, suri rumah, aktivis masyarakat, tiga kali ditangkap dan dua kali merengkuk dalam penjara. Kini dibicarakan untuk dua kes perhimpunan aman, PROTES kenaikan harga barangan dan himpunan Mansuh ISA

Thursday, February 2, 2012













































是因為這樣的,所以堅持要在明天的卡片上寫下五個大字 —— 我們還記得。

We Still Remember.

Kita tetap Ingat.





Monday, January 30, 2012

还能做什么才能让大家一起来。。。。。二月二日,早上九点,布城上诉庭,大家,会来吗?Beng Hock case at the Court of Appeal in Putrajaya on 2 February at 9 a.m., Will you be there?!


Ambil lebuhraya North-South Central Link (ELITE) menuju ke Plaza Tol Putrajaya.
Belok ke kiri di Universiti Cyberjaya / Multimedia, kemudian masuk ke Lebuh Raya Puchong-Damansara. Belok ke kanan untuk memasuki Lebuh Raya Puchong-Kajang. Anda sudah sampai Putrajaya melalui selekoh ke kiri sebelum Palm Green IOI dan kemudian buat pusingan U di IOI Palm Garden Resort.

Dari Bandaraya KL

Ambil selekoh kanan selepas Plaza Tol Kajang di Leboh Raya KL-Seremban. Maju terus ke hadapan selepas Uniten (Universiti Tenaga) di Bangi. Ambil selekoh kiri sebelum dan sekali lagi selekoh kiri selepas IOI Palm Garden.

Dari Lebuh Raya Damansara Puchong

Menerusi LDP (Lebuh Raya Damansara/Puchong) anda akan dibawa terus ke Putrajaya apabila anda mengambil selekoh kiri sebaik sahaja memasuki Cyberjaya / Pulau Meranti

Map to Palace of Justice:








不要说这个世界上没有鬼,因为有些事情,不是你看不到,摸不到,就是没有。 就像风,你总是知道这阵吹来风,是暖还是阴。 在接受《号外》的独家专访时,赵家两老,即赵父赵亮辉与赵母张秀花异口同声:“明福回来了!”


赵明福还在,因为他死到不甘愿!”赵妈妈一字一泪的咬牙切齿:“因为他阴魂不散,他回过家来看我们!” 哽咽,她说,随时随刻,她都感觉到赵明福就在家人的身边,连流不去。













语音哽咽低沉,彷彿再也说不下去时,却又突然石破天惊的激慨:“告诉妈妈,到底发生了什么事,是谁害你的?!现身啦现身给我看!告诉我谁把你害死的,要不妈妈也不甘愿!” 两年了,搥著胸,她还在喊:“妈妈怎样都不甘愿!”





终于,有一次,当车子alarm又响时,当她走近车子想要检查到底那里出错时,卡的一声——— 卡的一声―――车内的锁车lock,自已,跳上来。








Sunday, January 29, 2012

Could the PM please tell us when the Beng Hock case will be given due attention?

It’s already 2012, could the PM please tell us when the Beng Hock case will be given due attention?

We, the family of Teoh Beng Hock, will be in Putrajaya at 9 a.m., 2 February 2012 for a Court of Appeal decision on the Teoh Beng Hock case judicial review.

In 2012 we are about to usher in the third Chinese New Year without Beng Hock and with the truth nowhere in sight.

We should like to ask: What actually happened on 16 July 2009 at the scene of Beng Hock’s death? Why have the various doubts we raised gone unanswered? For the past few years, we have asked such questions not once, not twice, but more than a thousand times at the courts, in the media, and at various forums, but every time silence was the answer. At this festival, when families are supposed to have reunions and everyone get together for celebration, we still have to be faced with these questions that frustrated us for thousands of times. The heavy clouds of doubt and specious “presuppositional” answers did not in any way help to give a true picture of what happened on the day of the incident except for throwing the truth into an even more dubious haze. Some would say, hasn’t a coroner’s court examined the case? Wasn’t a Royal Commission of Inquiry already set up? Hasn’t a report come out? It is true that all this the government has done. But do we have any idea who the people most responsible are? Have we heard any agency publicly give any hint of regret? Have we seen the suspects investigated? Have our doubts and suspicions been cleared up? Has the truth come to our knowledge?

Others would say, we should leave our grief behind and move on. In the face of an unconvincing criminal judicial system that has disappointed over and over again, however, we cannot but remind and question over and over again: “Where is the truth that we want?”

We still remember the waves of questioning voices that surged among the common people when the Royal Commission of Inquiry report came out. From that we have no problem discerning that Beng Hock actually carries the expectations of so many members of the public for the truth. Such expectations illustrate the concern of all for a society free from torture and violence in law enforcement as much as it does the importance of the truth. If the truth is regarded as unimportant, violence that escaped condemnation and punishment under the law may come back at any time to haunt all of us and the defence of other social values will all the more be out of the question.

The only thing we are asking for is to at least know the truth and have those responsible held responsible. Without this, can an ambiguous answer really comfort our hearts as the victim’s family? Can it really lay to rest the soul of a victim whose life was prematurely ended at the tender age of 30?

On 9 January the Anwar case brought into sight how much the people were concerned over a court case, with thousands and thousands of common people swarming to the court to show their concern and the power of their support. Therefore, we, the family of Teoh Beng Hock, sincerely look forward to similar support being shown over the Beng Hock case. Here we would like to call upon the masses to attend the judicial review session on the Teoh Beng Hock at the Court of Appeal in Putrajaya on 2 February at 9 a.m. to lend us the most needed support and encouragement. Perhaps this is the last chance for our judicial review.

Venue : Mahkamah Rayuan, Istana Kehakiman, Presint 3, Putrajaya.

正义的路, 我们还看不到尽头,漫漫2 年半的司法路,无尽的不公,揭发了许多制度上的腐败,官员们的滥权和执法犯法,大家能陪我们这一段吗?








地点:Mahkamah Rayuan, Istana Kehakiman, Presint 3, 62506 Putrajaya

明福沉冤待雪计时牌启用1年 麻县行动党吁庆新年坚持真相

上诉庭将在下周四针对赵明福案司法审核做出裁决,麻坡县民主行动党活动中心于农历新年除夕夜(1月22日)举办“赵明福沉冤待雪” 计时牌启用1周年的亮灯仪式,希望全国的民众在庆祝农历新年的同时,勿忘赵明福事件的悲剧。




























