Thursday, June 28, 2012

Justice denied: No Closure for Teoh's family

In less than a month, it will be the 3rd anniversary of Teoh Beng Hock's mysterious and unusual death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009.

Instead of getting closer to justice, a written reply from the Prime Minister dated June 20, 2012, has confirmed that the MACC trio who were implicated by the RCI in causing the death of Selangor political aide Teoh Beng Hock have been cleared by the Attorney-General's Chambers.

The Prime Minister said that the AG found that the MACC officers had not committed any offences under the Penal Code or the MACC Act. Thus, no action will be taken against the three officers.

Not only that, according to the written reply above, a special investigation unit set up by the MACC to probe the matter also found that the only disciplinary misconduct by the MACC trio was "not monitoring the witness during interrogation". 

No other form of disciplinary action will be taken against the MACC trio. 

NONEThe RCI report clearly pointed out that Arman Alies (the investigation officer known as "the bully"), Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus (left) (the assistant investigating officer known as "the abuser") and Hishamuddin Hashim ("the arrogant leader" who is also former deputy director of MACC Selangor) were guilty of excessive use of violence on Beng Hock, therefore police have more than enough reason to commence investigations against the trio for possible offences under Sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code, namely for culpable homicide not amounting to murder and for causing the death of Teoh Beng Hock by negligence, respectively.

Apart from that, there were 10 MACC officers who gave false testimonies during the RCI proceedings.
Grounds for further probes
They should be investigated under Sections 191 and 192 of the Penal Code for giving false evidence and fabricating evidence to protect certain parties from being held responsible for Beng Hock's death.

I list down below a few examples in which MACC officers were caught lying:

1. On April 20, 2011, Commissioner Datuk T. Selventhiranathan said during the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh's death that Hishamuddin had lied when he earlier claimed ignorance of police reports against his officers, which accused them of physical abuse;

NONE2. On April 27, 2011, MACC Asst Superintendent Azeem Hafeez Jamaluddin told the Royal Commission of Inquiry that Hishamuddin (left) ordered him to testify that Hairul Ilham had led the probe so as to cover up Hishammuddin's role in the investigation against Selangor executive councillor, Ean Yong Hian Wah; 

3. Raymond Nion testified that he saw Teoh Beng Hock at 6am on the 16th of July on the sofa outside Nadzri's room;

But, it was the view of the RCI that "he was not a reliable witness and was used by those responsible for TBH's death to distance them for their wrongdoings by creating an impression that TBH was not only alive at 6am on the 16th but was also resting comfortably and peacefully on the sofa outside Nadzri's room." [para 198 of RCI report] Raymond, in the opinion of RCI, was used as a time-marker by those concerned with TBH's death [para 200 of RCI Report] as it became obvious that "Raymond's evidence was tailored to fit certain objectives" [para 201 of the RCI Report];

4. Bulkini Paharuddin testified that at about 2.30am, on the July 16 after he had finished questioning Tan Boon Wah and briefed Hishamuddin of Tan Boon Wah's recalcitrant attitude, he had told Tan Boon Wah to go home and to bring the relevant documents required the following day.
RCI finds contradictions
But RCI found that his assertion was contradicted by several evidences hence concluded that "Bulkini fabricated this piece of evidence". [Para 80 of RCI Report];

5. Besides, Bulkini also claimed that he heard Tan Boon Wah shouting to Teoh Beng Hock in Mandarin "Ni loh!", translated by Bulkini to mean "You lah!" at the pantry. But after considering the evidence, RCI again ruled that "this assertion of Bulkini was fabricated" [Para 86 of RCI report];

NONE6. Right after the tragedy, MACC told us that TBH was released after his statement was recorded during the 3rd interrogation session but he chose to remain in the Selangor MACC office. 

But it was the finding of RCI that TBH was not released at 3.30am on July 16, but there was a 4th interrogation session conducted by Hishammuddin Hashim, Anuar and Ashraf. [para 194 of RCI report];

7. Guard Khairuddin said he saw Anuar sleeping in the visitor's area, but he pointed out an area which was different from the area where Anuar claimed to have slept at;

Anuar's alibi had been proved to be false as he was found to have with him a prepared script while testifying in the witness box which proved beyond peradventure that he had been coached. [para 195 of RCI Report] and,

8. As a result, the commissioners found that there was a "blue wall of silence came amply into play as evidenced by the untruths spouted by MACC officers to cover up the nefarious activities that took place on July 15 and the 16, 2009". [para 362 of RCI Report]

It is outrageous that despite all the evidence given above, the AG still maintains that MACC officers had not committed any offence under the Penal Code or the MACC Act while the special investigation unit set up by MACC also found that the only disciplinary misconduct by the MACC trio is "not monitoring the witness during interrogation". 

Why have the above named officers been given immunity? Why are they above the law?

打破懸案屬華人課題迷思 馬來劇團重演明福命案

為了紀念趙明福離奇墜樓命案3週年,一個馬來劇團“Rumah Anak





週三,劇團“Rumah Anak Teater"聯同社青團團長陸兆福、副宣傳秘書張念群召開記者會,如此指出。





《牵阮的手》 Peganglah Tangan Saya

Sebuah persembahan teater percuma dalam Bahasa Melayu akan diadakan sempena memperingati kematian mendiang Teoh Beng Hock pada 6 hingga 8 Julai bertempat di Indicine, KLPAC Kuala Lumpur.\
赵明福命案已经发生三年有馀,赵家与国人却依然没有等到完整的真相与正义。今年的纪念活动,我们首先借镜国外例子,在白色恐怖的年代,人们如何身体力行与霸权对抗,迈向民主化之后,我们又该如何偿付过去因国家不正义,而赔上青春、性命的受难者。 7月3日晚上7点半,欢迎你来看电影。 未竟之路:赵明福命案三周年纪念系列活动(一) 纪录片:《牵阮的手》放映会暨映后座谈 3/7/2012(二) 7pm-11pm 活动开幕人:张念群;纪录片导读人:黄进发 片花: 更多影片详情请点阅: 主办单位:民主行动党社青团;全民挺明福 Malaysians for Beng Hock


Kami sekeluarga, amat tidak berpuas hati, dan kecewa dengan kesudahan di mana tiga orang pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) yang disabitkan dalam kes jenayah kematian Teoh Beng Hock oleh Suruhanjaya Diraja, dikenakan hanya dengan tindakan disiplin. Malah, kami sangat kecewa dengan kerajaan yang diterajui Perdana Menteri Najib Razak.
Dua tahun sebelum ini, PM Najib Razak pernah berjanji kepada keluarga, malah mengumumkan secara terbuka, bahawa beliau akan sedaya upaya menyiasat apa yang berlaku sebenarnya dalam kejadian kematian Beng Hock. Malah beliau berikrar bahawa mereka yang bersalah akan dihukum, dan tidak akan dilepaskan sewenang-wenangnya. Ikrar tersebut masih berdengung di tepi telinga, namun PM Najib pula kelihatan bagai melepaskan batuk di tangga ketika mengendalikan kes ini. Kami amat terkilan dengan kesudahan sedemikian. Sepanjang perbicaraan selama tiga tahun, tidak pernah kami patah hati dalam usaha untuk mengembalikan kebenaran, menegakkan keadilan untuk Beng Hock. Dari inkues (yang terpaksa kami terima, kerana PM menjanjikan satu jawapan yang memuaskan kami), kami menahan kepiluan untuk mengeluarkan mayat Beng Hock dari kuburnya; hinggalah pertemuan bahawa luka pada bahagian lehernya berlaku sebelum jatuh dari bangunan (Beng Hock jatuh dalam keadaan separa pengsan atau pengsan sepenuhnya). Segala-gala ini disimpulkan dengan satu keputusan bernama open verdict.
Kemudian kami berulang-alik dari utara ke selatan, kempen tandatangan, dan akhirnya kami dibalas dengan satu suruhanjaya diraja yang tempang. Tawaran polis Hong Kong untuk membantu dalam siasatan ditolak. Suruhanjaya Diraja menolak laporan yang disempurnakan oleh pakar yang menganalisa insiden jatuh bangunan, menolak pakar forensik dari Australia yang diundang Majlis Peguam. Lebih-lebih lagi, apabila laporan doktor psikologi Australia menyimpulkan bahawa Beng Hock tergolong dalam kategori "berisiko rendah untuk bunuh diri", suruhanjaya diraja pula menyimpulkan Beng Hock di-bunuh diri dengan hujah yang tidak berasas - sememangnya memerit hati kami. Apakah kes jenayah boleh ditangani dan diselesaikan dengan tindakan disiplin? Apakah itu sahaja janji PM, malah kemampuan seseorang peneraju kerajaan?
Sememangnya nyawa manusia adalah mustahak. Bolehkah sesebuah negara mengendalikan pegawai yang disabit kes jenayah dengan sebegitu? Apakah ia bermaksud kerajaan Barisan Nasional melihat nyawa manusia bagai lalang, kehakiman sesebuah negara sedang di-bunuh diri? Dan, di manakah keadilan? Tiga tahun kami harungi dalam perjalanan mencari kebenaran. Kami tidak akan pasrah begitu sahaja di tengah-tengah jalan. Kami tidak akan berhenti di sini - berhenti pada tindakan disiplin yang "tidak masuk akal", "berniat untuk menyelindung" dan "zalim". Kami memohon agar mereka yang terlibat tidak sekadar dikenakan tindakan disiplin, tetapi tindakan undang-undang, untuk mengembalikan kebenaran. Kes ini melibatkan nyawa manusia, dan ia merupakan kes jenayah, bukan masalah disiplin. Tindakan disiplin tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengendali kes jenayah, dan ia bukan sejenis hukuman. Terima kasih.


麗蘭︰ 人間到底有沒有公義?我想妳比一般人更能深切體會。但萬萬不可泄氣,更不可忘記妳是站在正義這一邊,有這種精神動力,妳不怕跟任何人鬥爭,因為妳的鬥爭中有力量,妳的鬥爭中有愛。 但在鬥爭的過程裡,難免會面對考驗,因為妳不只有朋友,也有敵人。他們不會贊賞妳的大勇,只會對妳灌輸垃圾般的謬誤,例如逝者已矣,別再執著;又例如學習放下,才能自在。 但這些涼薄的人從不知道若那種慘事發生在他們身上,他們一樣會跟反貪會、跟政府拼了!因為失去的是一條生命,並且死得不明不白!如果這樣也“不執著”,也“放下”,只為了“自在”,妳不覺得太駭人嗎? 所以妳的淚水就憾動了人心,滑落的悲涼則突出這個國家需要改變的是什么。但妳我也明白,群眾是善忘的。該對明福有所交代,和負上責任的大爺,更是希望事情拖得越久越好,直到淡出人民的記憶。 可是我告訴妳,不會有這種事。凡有點良知的人,“江水皆東我獨西”,你越想我忘記,我越放在心上、掛在嘴上、寫在紙上、貼在街上,直到一個個對不起明福的人,押到刑台上。 這種頑抗很動人,也許成功的几率不高,事實上依目前明福案件的進展,也實在令人沮喪,但這絕不代表允許放棄。古時代蚩尤與黃帝大戰,被斬掉了頭,但仍然以雙乳為眼、肚臍為口,繼續跟黃帝決勝負。即使最終敗亡,但他的精神值得我們記取,因為他從不放棄,他在堅持上面表現出他蚩尤的水準。 我們人民也會在王八蛋面前表現出我們的水準。忘記明福我們做不到,除非公義能夠彰顯出來,否則沒有什么算了! 麗蘭,我相信妳也是這么想. 曾慶和