根据《马来西亚局内人》报道,哥宾星(Gobind Singh Deo)指出,赵明福坠楼前的临晨3时30分至早上7时是关键的时刻,赵明福案皇委会召开的听证会内并没有供词谈及赵明福在该时刻的情况,因此质疑报告如何达致自杀的结论。
因受这个困境折磨,赵明福(左图左)的精神状态面临转变。在数个小时内,使他从低自杀风险群升为高自杀风险群之列。怀疑、极端的挣扎情绪、巨大的罪恶感都是难以承受的。最终在16日凌晨3时至7时之间发生无法扭转的危机,是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。他找不到可行的策略来克服所施加在身上的指控,他发现自己无法逃离这个令人窒息的两难困局。失去了所有的希望,赵明福会感到自己被困了,并且屈服于绝望。14楼的窗口打开着,或容易打开,而他正躺在纳兹里的沙发上,其实是很接近窗口的。赵明福或许发现唯一逃离眼前困境的方法就是跳出窗口,即便这样做是夺走自己的生命。” 【点击:数小时内转成高自杀风险群 皇委会称明福投窗自尽解困】
上诉庭退休法官陈炘铠(N.H. Chan)抨击调查赵明福案皇委会报告的两项结论是毫无根据的,即赵明福是自杀及反贪委的极端盘问手法导致赵明福自杀。
他指,该两项结论须有专家佐证,但专家根本未提出此供证,而是皇委会妄下结论,并且明显违反《证据法》。【点击:无专家意见妄下自杀结论 前法官斥皇委会违证据法】
另外,哥宾星也质疑总检察署未对付皇委会报告指三名反贪委员会采激进盘问手法导致赵明福自杀,此三人即前雪州反贪委副总监希山慕丁哈欣(Hishamuddin Hashim)、执法助理阿金哈菲兹( Azeem Hafeez Jamaluddin)和阿兹安奥玛(Azian Omar)。
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
DAP wants police action on Teoh’s interrogators
Klang MP Charles Santiago says no action has been taken against the three MACC officers since the release of the RCI findings.
KLANG: DAP MP Charles Santiago today lodged a police report demanding an investigation into the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) which implicated three Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers in the death of Teoh Beng Hock.
“We want the police to act on the findings which said that torture had contributed to the death of Teoh… there was criminal intent,” Santiago, the Klang MP, told reporters after lodging the report at the Klang police headquarters here.
The RCI had ruled that Teoh, the former political aide to a Selangor executive councillor, had committed suicide as a result of pressure from aggressive and continuous interrogation methods.
It blamed three officers – former Selangor MACC deputy director Hishammuddin Hashim and enforcement officers Arman Alies and Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus – for his death.
The three in the RCI report were described as “Arman the bully, Ashraf the abuser and HH the arrogant leader” and recommended action against them.
Police, however, said there are no laws to charge the three while the MACC launched an internal probe and promised to implement other RCI recommendations, including conducting questioning on the ground floor and installing cameras.
But former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim in an open letter to the Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar said the three can be charged under Section 193 of the Penal Code. (Section 193 prescribes seven years’ jail and fine for giving false evidence at judicial proceedings.)
‘Justice has to be done’
Santiago concurred with the view after consultations with his lawyers and demand police investigate the three under Section 193.
“In fact, the police don’t have to wait for a report to be lodged to launch an investigation,” he said.
He added that it has been close to two months now since the release of the RCI report and no action has been taken against the three MACC officers.
“Justice has to be done for Teoh,” said Santiago.
Teoh, 30, was found dead on July 16, 2009, on the fifth corridor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam after he was questioned overnight for alleged graft at the then MACC Selangor headquarters on the 14th floor.
The RCI cleared Teoh and his boss, Sri Kembangan state assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, from corruption charges.
Teoh’s family has rejected the RCI’s verdict and is considering applying for a judicial review on its findings.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Teoh RCI report continues to rankle
'Reading the RCI report made me felt like I'm reading fiction rather than a fact-finding report of a royal commission.'
TBH 'suicide' finding: Impossible does not happen
Danny Lazaroo: I'm a practising psychologist, fully registered with the Australian Psychology Board.
I can't think of any trained and qualified psychologist who would condone or agree with the RCI's (royal commission of inquiry's) findings. Suicide, in the absence of prior suicidal attempts or ideation, or psychiatric condition/history, and in a context of an individual with a future orientation, is most unlikely.
But I am not surprised - psychology and psychiatry are not well-regulated mental health fields in Malaysia. Furthermore, it is impossible for any psychiatrist to state with certainty that Teoh Beng Hock would have committed suicide - an actual risk assessment cannot be concluded without prior interview with Teoh or data collected from him.
The best we can come up with is a possibility/probability of suicide. From the start, I've believed that this was not, and could not have been, a suicide.
The murderers will continue to be allowed to roam free, of course. This is Malaysia, where the truth is hidden and the illegal always allowed. Malaysia, truly corrupt.
DannyLoHH: Indeed, reading the RCI report made me felt like I'm reading fiction rather than a fact-finding report of a royal commission.
The conclusion does not jive with all the findings and evidence. It was clear that this was a torture session that had gone awry. The MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) investigators involved should all be investigated for torture and manslaughter charges.
Also, it was clear that the many MACC investigators had committed blatant perjury, yet to date, the police and the AG (attorney-general) have done nothing. Where is the rule of law?
Cala: By putting up a detailed analysis that shows James Foong's RCI has indeed erred in concluding that Teoh took his own life, the writer, CT Wong, has proven that a practising engineer too is as capable as any professional in the fields of psychology and philosophy. I am proud of him.
Back to Foong's oxy-moronic and warp logic, I am happy Wong questions the logic and legitimacy of the RCI finding by pointing to the lack of scientific data/evidence that lends weight to the likelihood of Teoh taking his own life under repetitive torturing.
As Wong points out, none of the four types of data sets are in the report. If Foong is worthy of his salt, either he withdraws the RCI findings or he has to defend his earlier position more convincingly.
I am disappointed that in this age of Internet, Foong comes to represent the low standard of our judiciary and happily pronounces anything he so wishes unsubstantiated with facts.
Judging by the manner he had read Teoh's mind before the alleged leap, he is telling the public that he has the supernatural power of speaking on Teoh's behalf. If that is true, Foong can well be the medium through which one can talk to all who are in the other world.
Tkc: In this country, the wisdom of our civil servants is inversely proportional to their seniority. The higher their position, the more prone they are to make a fool of themselves.
Presumably it has a lot to do with the fear of losing their pensions or missing out on some lucrative directorship in public-listed companies after their retirement.
In Teoh's case, the only people who believe in the theory of suicide are the clowns in the RCI and of course MACC, PDRM and the AG's office.
Teoh's family was vindicated when they decided to boycott the RCI because it was a charade from Day 1. But my heart goes out to them because they have yet to get the closure that is unjustly denied to them. Our best hope is for Pakatan Rakyat to reopen the case when they occupy Putrajaya one day.
Michael Gan: Asia News Network on July 25 reported: "The RCI described (former Selangor MACC deputy chief) Hishamuddin Hashim as a leader who would use all kinds of tricks as well as lies in order to achieve his objectives."
As for his subordinates, they were being arrogant, concealing the truth and fabricating lies on hearings in order to protect their superior.
I wonder if Teoh actually didn't break down at all and stood firm. After all, he was a witness to a mere RM2,400 misappropriation case. He is in DAP, and there are some pretty tough nuts there.
So, if that was the case, it is possible the some or one of the MACC officers could have just lost their cool.
One Brain Cell: The facts of the case are clear for all to see. Umno/BN is a very sore loser and wanted Selangor back at all costs. Using the MACC as an attack dog was a favourite tactic.
They wanted to undermine the credibility of a few DAP state councillors - Ean Yong Hian Wah among them. Teoh was expected to buckle under intense and prolonged "interrogation" but he stood up to his tormentors till fatigue got the better of them and they probably went overboard, killing him in the process.
The plot to wrest Selangor back from Pakatan Rakyat had to be postponed. Now they're trying to use Indonesian immigrants to do the job.
Teoh was killed by Umno/BN's vileness and dishonourable misconduct - and Hishamuddin Hashim and his colleagues belong in jail for torturing an innocent human being beyond the limits of endurance.
Kgen: All I can say is shame on the RCI for allowing itself to be influenced by politics. Malaysians are fed up of being lied to by people who are publicly entrusted to act with the utmost integrity but promptly sell their souls to the ruling regime.
BornInM'sia: At the end of the day, the RCI panel members may realise that they have in their possession the skill of writing a good novel.
TBH ‘suicide’ finding: The impossible does not happen
Extracts from Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Enquiry:
Decision on the second term of reference:
- Forensic psychiatric aspects
Self-inflicted death must have meaning and a reason. In Teoh Beng Hock's death, we find neither meaning nor a reason for taking his own life, if we accept the findings of the TBH royal commission of inquiry.
Suicide is rare. It is even rarer for a normal person without abnormal psychology to commit suicide.
It is hard to believe suicide can happen within few hours of experiencing trauma. Hopelessness as an acute warning sign of suicide most often takes time to develop, days or weeks if not months. RCI has confirmed that TBH was "driven to commit suicide" within hours. The impossible does not happen and the improbable only happens very rarely.
This suicide verdict goes very much against common sense and the intuition of many Malaysians. A closer look is hence necessary to critically examine how the RCI arrived at such conclusion and whether the RCI has proved TBH's intention to suicide.
The focus of study here is essentially of the psychological aspects of the section on ‘Forensic psychiatric aspects’, pages 64 to 72 of the Report of the Royal Commission of Enquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock (hereafter called RCI).
Serious flaws in RCI conjecture
RCI evaluated the evidence from forensic pathology and concluded that TBH fell to his death; and from forensic psychiatry that TBH would have jumped to his death. These conclusions are used as reasons to support the suicide verdict that TBH was driven to commit suicide.
However, there are serious flaws observed in RCI's argument. The authenticity of the evidence of intention to suicide used to support the claim is doubtful. Also, the inference from evidence to the conclusion of suicide is invalid and unsound.
The commissioners' method of reconstructing TBH's psychological state prior to death is questionable. The suicide verdict is examined here from the perspective of suicide.
Making attributions without proof
One of the two main terms of reference as spelt out in the RCI is “...to enquire into the death of Teoh Beng Hock and the circumstances surrounding and contributing to his death. It does not state clearly whether ‘death’ means the cause of death (e.g. major injuries, heart attack etc.) or the manner of death (natural causes, accident, homicide or suicide).”
By RCI's verdict of the enquiry, it had taken to itself the responsibility to determine the manner or mode of death.
As for the requirement of the level of proof, RCI stated that their finding would be based on "a balance of probabilities sliding to proof beyond reasonable doubt" (RCI pp.5). This means RCI claims its standard of proof is very high. Also, it says that in order to "understand the probability that TBH took his own life", it is crucial to know TBH's traits of character and his changing states of mind (RCI, pp.64).
It is clear from the above that RCI intended to use the language of probability in the reasoning in the argument. However, the RCI commissioners used the language of certainty when giving the verdict of "driven to commit suicide"; it does not say something like "TBH probably or most probably was driven to commit suicide", but asserted that TBH was "driven to commit suicide".
The commissioners should not use categorical terms of suicide in absolute certainty as the precise mental state of the deceased could not be known.
Purported intention to suicide unconvincing
When read closely, the RCI para.[233] on "conclusion on forensic psychiatric aspects" does not confirm that TBH intended to commit suicide but speculated that TBH must have committed suicide:
"...TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out of the window, even though it meant taking his own life." (RCI, pp.72). However, such speculation is used as the reason to come to the suicide verdict: "...Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that TBH was driven to commit by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected by certain officers of the MACC.." (RCI, pp.37).
Para. [233] is of utmost importance in determining whether TBH had the intention to suicide. RCI was unable to confirm the intention to suicide and yet it confirmed suicide had occurred. This is a deep contradiction and the inference is seriously flawed.
RCI is using a strange logic which is only intelligible to itself. It runs something like this: Teoh Beng Hock would have found suicide as the only way out. Therefore, TBH committed suicide. Speculation has then become hard fact. There is little wonder that the public refuses to accept the verdict.
But, why must RCI deliver a suicide verdict? Why not an open verdict? We do not know for what reasons the commissioners felt compelled or were compelled to make a verdict that contradicts its own reasoning. With an unconvincing verdict, the reasoning itself in the RCI needs to be examined critically.
Missing the mark in suicide definition
According to De Leo, Burgis, Bertolote, Kerkhof and Bille-Brahe (2006), the World Health Organisation working group had proposed a standard definition for the study of suicide:
"Suicide is an act with a fatal outcome which the deceased, knowing or expressing a fatal outcome had initiated and carried out with the purpose of provoking the changes he desired (WHO/Euro, 1986)".
The key elements of the WHO's definition involve: 1) an awareness that action has fatal outcome, 2) the self-responsibility of the subject both to initiate and to carry out the suicidal behaviour and 3) the intention to bring about wanted changes.
RCI's verdict of "driven to suicide" is not in accordance with WHO's definition of suicidal behaviour. RCI's speculation of TBH's thinking of "...would have found that the only way of escape...jumping out of the window" can only be described as suicidal thoughts rather than an act that was initiated and carried out by TBH himself.
By WHO's definition, one cannot force another to commit suicide without one's intention to commit suicide. One can force another to kill him/herself which is considered as homicidal. In 22 state and three territories of the United States of America, even assisting in suicide is a crime and the charge is murder.
RCI has not proved the crucial elements of suicide: (1) the locus of origin (self-initiated) and (2) the intention (to cause, or not to cause death). Neither has RCI proved that TBH was aware or conscious of the potential of fatal outcome.
The RCI verdict is therefore illogical conceptually.
RCI lacking legitimate data of psychology
To establish suicide or suicidal behaviours, from the legal point of point of view, both the physical act (actus reas) and the mental element (mens reas) must be present; the mental element is intentionality i.e. the intention to suicide. It is self-evident that evidence must be produced to support any claims of suicide as the manner of death.
From the psychological point of view, the legitimate data which can or should be used as evidence are derived from experimental methods, observations and introspections.
There are 4 different types of data:
behavioural data
personal accounts of inner experience
symbolic data (symbolic creations of the mind such as texts or the language used), and
material data like the biological data and neuropsychological data
Behaviour is what can be seen or observed from the outside. The data gained and evaluated is called outsider viewpoint without going into the mental state of the subjects studied.
The inner experiences involve the feelings, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, reasons, motives and intentions. The data gained/evaluated is called the insider viewpoint. These cannot be seen directly from outside and can only be accessible to others through verbal or written reports or inferred from non-verbal behaviours.
Insider viewpoint without evidence
RCI had provided an insider viewpoint of TBH's psychological state of mind without giving any basis of how the data of inner experiences were collected and evaluated. It is more appropriate to say that RCI reconstructed the reality of TBH's psychological state in such a way that the suicide verdict is inescapable. This is a serious flaw of RCI's reasoning.
The relevant passage is found in RCI para.[233] page 72 (in italics below) and my comment run as follows:
My comments: How did the commissioners know of TBH's torment of predicament and inner experience of psychological changes? What evidence?
My comments: Why the immediate grouping into suicidal and not other category? How likely is that within a matter of hours a person becomes suicidal? Having suicidal thoughts is different from suicidal behaviour. What evidence of suicidal behaviour is there with TBH?
My comments: Guilt is an inner emotion and thought. How do the commissioners know? What evidence of TBH's inner feelings was being manifested?
My comments: Metaphor is no substitute for hard evidence. What really happened?
My comments: When and how did the commissioners know that TBH knew of no other viable strategies?
My comments: When and how did the commissioners know that TBH had lost all hope?
My comments: How did the commissioners know TBH's intention to suicide?
The above reconstruction sounds more like a survivor's account of suicide attempt.
Reconstruction and interpretation of suicidal thoughts and behaviours must relate to legitimate data. Without a proper and sound method of data collection and interpretation, we can only infer that the data is manufactured out of imagination.
RCI couldn’t have known
RCI had used various terms like "extreme emotional conflict", "guilt...all intolerable", "irreversible crisis", "losing all hope", "succumbed to despair" to give an account TBH's subjective psychological state of mind after the interrogations. Then, they described TBH's judgement of the extreme situation as "no viable strategies", "unable to escape" and "trapped". The depiction of TBH's immense emotional turmoil and the judgement of "no escape" was framed in such a way as to lead to the inevitable consequence of "jumping out of the window".
The way that extremes in emotion and impairment in judgement are attributed to TBH without any correlation to any specific time, specific location, specific events and specific details raises the serious doubt of its authenticity.
Highly subjective and using loaded phraseology
RCI used a large amount of rather emotional, subjective and value-judgement words and phrases to describe TBH's state of mind. For example:
"[219]...Taking his mobile phone away would have meant robbing him of his means to reality and sanity. And the MACC officers did just that. Thus, for the first time in his life, TBH found himself totally and completely isolated from the outside world and thrust into desolation..." (RCI, pp.71)
Are the commissioners suggesting that TBH was losing his sense of reality and sanity just because of a handphone? And suggesting that TBH was going insane?
And how do they know that it was the first time in TBH's life that he felt "totally and completely isolated"? Presumably, they had special access into TBH's autobiographical memories and all the life stories.
The first sentence of the RCI finding using a third-person perspective speaks of "...would have meant...". But by the third sentence, a speculation by RCI had become a fact – "TBH found himself totally....". It is a remarkable feat to blur the reality by switching from one dimension of reality to another.
It is important to analyse this short passage as the whole argument for the suicide verdict is constructed using similar lines of reasoning or reconstruction of mental reality.
Risk factors are not causal factors
Risk factors are still risk factors, however high or acute it is. Risk factors are not causal factors unless proven so.
Just because RCI suggests that someone feels trapped and troubled by hopelessness does not mean that the individual would commit suicide. In fact, even most people who have previously harboured suicidal thoughts still do not do so.
All the three psychiatrists who gave expert opinion to the RCI were of the view that TBH belonged to low-risk group for suicide after reviewing TBH's life history against the risk factors.
The psychiatrists were Dr Badi'ah Yahya, a forensic psychiatrist and Dr Nor Hayati Ali from the Ministry of Health, and Paul Edward Mullen, emeritus professor of forensic psychiatry, Monash University, Australia. Dr Badi'ah and Dr Hayati based their argument on the observation that TBH came from an intact family, had a stable job, and had no history of mental illness, impulsivity or substance abuse.
However, RCI ignored the expert opinions of the low probability of suicide and argued that TBH had undergone dramatic psychological changes from the low-risk group to the high-risk group for suicide when taken in by the MACC on July 15, 2009.
Quite early in their argument, RCI chose to categorise that TBH belonged to a high-risk group for suicide. Instead of choosing to argue out what was the probability of each of the manners of death (natural, accident, homicide or suicide), RCI ruled out all other scenarios and was fixated on the sole verdict of suicide.
RCI then used the hypothesised emotional state to justify suicide was the only way out for TBH.
No warning signs of suicide
RCI adopted the approach of insider viewpoint in arguing for the suicide verdict. RCI first classified TBH belonging to high-risk group for suicide and then provided purported details of TBH's inner emotions and thoughts before he purportedly took the decision to ‘jump’.
From their approach, we would have expected that RCI had managed to gather evidence of signs of TBH of wanting to commit suicide. Strangely, no such evidence was produced.
According to the American Association of Suicidology, a person in acute risk for suicidal behaviour most often will show the following warning signs:
“Threatening to hurt or kill himself or herself, or talking of wanting to hurt or kill him/herself; and/or
Looking for ways to kill him/herself by seeking access to firearms, available pills, or other means; and/or
Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide, when these actions are out of the ordinary.”
RCI had not provided any credible and convincing evidence that TBH had suicidal thoughts or suicidal behaviour. It is at best mere speculation and at worst the manufacture of inner experience of a supposedly insider viewpoint.
RCI had failed immensely to establish TBH's intention to suicide.
TBH stable and supported
Van Orden et al. (2010) proposed that the most dangerous form of suicidal desire is caused by the simultaneous presence of two factors – the thwarted belongingness (I am alone) and perceived burdensomeness (I am a burden) – and the hopelessness of these situations.
Also, the individual must acquire the capacity to engage in suicidal behaviour.
It is most unlikely that TBH would have felt hopeless when he was only detained less than 24 hours and there were ample opportunities for him to be reconnected to the outside world.
There is no reason for TBH to entertain the thought that his family, friends and colleagues in the outside world had abandoned him.
Subsequent events following news of TBH’s death saw an outpouring of support – including many friends, colleagues and ex-colleagues – for the family. It is clear from this that TBH had a sound social network of support to cope with any traumatic events.
Thus, the attribution of despair and hopelessness by RCI onto TBH is falsely created.
A physical and mental wreck will not commit suicide
Para. [229] stated that "By the time the fourth or final stage of the interrogation was over, TBH would have been almost a mental and physical wreck. When Ashraf fetched him a glass of water [demanded impolitely by TBH], TBH was said to have sat up very slowly."
It is clear that in such a tortured weakened state, TBH would not have sufficient strength to commit suicide. When he could hardly move, he could not be expected to jump out of the window. This RCI conclusion now of TBH’s physical near collapse is self-contradictory to its melodramatic reconstruction of a fevered, despairing mind planning an energetic act of self-annihilation.
It is more probable that TBH would want to get out of the dreaded MACC building the moment he had the chance and the energy.
The RCI's suicide verdict is questionable as the reasoning in its argument is deeply flawed. Mere speculation of TBH's psychological state prior to death had become hard facts.
The authenticity of the evidence of intention to suicide used to support the claim is doubtful.
The inference from such evidence to the conclusion of suicide is invalid and unsound.
RCI based its reasoning on reconstructed suicidal thought. It is not inevitable that suicidal thoughts would lead to suicide. Also, it has not provided any evidence of suicidal behaviour or warning signs of suicide. The seriously weakened mental and physical state TBH as described by the commissioners shows that suicide is implausible.
RCI should have delivered an open verdict as it is a matter of intellectual honesty and integrity to respect facts and evidence.
Death would only have meaning when the truth is revealed and justice is done.
Reference List
De Leo, D., Burgis, S., Bertolote, J.M., Kerkhof, A.J.F.M., and Bille-Brahe, U. (2006), Definitions of suicidal behaviour. Crisis, 27(1), 4-15.
Van Orden, K. A., Witte, T.K., Cukrowicz, Braithwaite, S.R., Selby, E.A. and Joiner, Jr., T.E. (2010), The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Psychological Review, 117 (2), 576-600.
Decision on the second term of reference:
[119] Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that TBH was driven to commit suicide by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected by certain officers of the MACC who were in the ongoing operation by the Selangor MACC on the night of the 15th and into the morning of the 16th.
- Forensic psychiatric aspects
[233] Tormented by this predicament, TBH experienced a change in his state of mind. And in a matter of hours, this change transformed him from being in the low-risk group for suicide into the high-risk group. The doubts, extreme emotional conflict and the immense feeling of guilt were all intolerable. Finally, precipitating the irreversible crisis that happened to him between 3.30am and 7.00am on the 16th, was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Finding no viable strategies to surmount the hurdle of accusations levelled, he found himself unable to escape from the suffocating quagmire in which he was trapped. TBH would have felt trapped and have succumbed to despair. Since the window on the 14th floor was either open or could be easily opened and it was conspicuous and easily accessible near where he was on the sofa outside Nasdzri's room, TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out of the window, even though it meant taking his own life...."
Self-inflicted death must have meaning and a reason. In Teoh Beng Hock's death, we find neither meaning nor a reason for taking his own life, if we accept the findings of the TBH royal commission of inquiry.
Suicide is rare. It is even rarer for a normal person without abnormal psychology to commit suicide.
It is hard to believe suicide can happen within few hours of experiencing trauma. Hopelessness as an acute warning sign of suicide most often takes time to develop, days or weeks if not months. RCI has confirmed that TBH was "driven to commit suicide" within hours. The impossible does not happen and the improbable only happens very rarely.
This suicide verdict goes very much against common sense and the intuition of many Malaysians. A closer look is hence necessary to critically examine how the RCI arrived at such conclusion and whether the RCI has proved TBH's intention to suicide.
The focus of study here is essentially of the psychological aspects of the section on ‘Forensic psychiatric aspects’, pages 64 to 72 of the Report of the Royal Commission of Enquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock (hereafter called RCI).
Serious flaws in RCI conjecture
RCI evaluated the evidence from forensic pathology and concluded that TBH fell to his death; and from forensic psychiatry that TBH would have jumped to his death. These conclusions are used as reasons to support the suicide verdict that TBH was driven to commit suicide.
However, there are serious flaws observed in RCI's argument. The authenticity of the evidence of intention to suicide used to support the claim is doubtful. Also, the inference from evidence to the conclusion of suicide is invalid and unsound.
The commissioners' method of reconstructing TBH's psychological state prior to death is questionable. The suicide verdict is examined here from the perspective of suicide.
Making attributions without proof
One of the two main terms of reference as spelt out in the RCI is “...to enquire into the death of Teoh Beng Hock and the circumstances surrounding and contributing to his death. It does not state clearly whether ‘death’ means the cause of death (e.g. major injuries, heart attack etc.) or the manner of death (natural causes, accident, homicide or suicide).”
By RCI's verdict of the enquiry, it had taken to itself the responsibility to determine the manner or mode of death.
As for the requirement of the level of proof, RCI stated that their finding would be based on "a balance of probabilities sliding to proof beyond reasonable doubt" (RCI pp.5). This means RCI claims its standard of proof is very high. Also, it says that in order to "understand the probability that TBH took his own life", it is crucial to know TBH's traits of character and his changing states of mind (RCI, pp.64).
It is clear from the above that RCI intended to use the language of probability in the reasoning in the argument. However, the RCI commissioners used the language of certainty when giving the verdict of "driven to commit suicide"; it does not say something like "TBH probably or most probably was driven to commit suicide", but asserted that TBH was "driven to commit suicide".
The commissioners should not use categorical terms of suicide in absolute certainty as the precise mental state of the deceased could not be known.
Purported intention to suicide unconvincing
When read closely, the RCI para.[233] on "conclusion on forensic psychiatric aspects" does not confirm that TBH intended to commit suicide but speculated that TBH must have committed suicide:
"...TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out of the window, even though it meant taking his own life." (RCI, pp.72). However, such speculation is used as the reason to come to the suicide verdict: "...Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that TBH was driven to commit by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected by certain officers of the MACC.." (RCI, pp.37).
Para. [233] is of utmost importance in determining whether TBH had the intention to suicide. RCI was unable to confirm the intention to suicide and yet it confirmed suicide had occurred. This is a deep contradiction and the inference is seriously flawed.
RCI is using a strange logic which is only intelligible to itself. It runs something like this: Teoh Beng Hock would have found suicide as the only way out. Therefore, TBH committed suicide. Speculation has then become hard fact. There is little wonder that the public refuses to accept the verdict.
But, why must RCI deliver a suicide verdict? Why not an open verdict? We do not know for what reasons the commissioners felt compelled or were compelled to make a verdict that contradicts its own reasoning. With an unconvincing verdict, the reasoning itself in the RCI needs to be examined critically.
Missing the mark in suicide definition
According to De Leo, Burgis, Bertolote, Kerkhof and Bille-Brahe (2006), the World Health Organisation working group had proposed a standard definition for the study of suicide:
"Suicide is an act with a fatal outcome which the deceased, knowing or expressing a fatal outcome had initiated and carried out with the purpose of provoking the changes he desired (WHO/Euro, 1986)".
The key elements of the WHO's definition involve: 1) an awareness that action has fatal outcome, 2) the self-responsibility of the subject both to initiate and to carry out the suicidal behaviour and 3) the intention to bring about wanted changes.
RCI's verdict of "driven to suicide" is not in accordance with WHO's definition of suicidal behaviour. RCI's speculation of TBH's thinking of "...would have found that the only way of escape...jumping out of the window" can only be described as suicidal thoughts rather than an act that was initiated and carried out by TBH himself.
By WHO's definition, one cannot force another to commit suicide without one's intention to commit suicide. One can force another to kill him/herself which is considered as homicidal. In 22 state and three territories of the United States of America, even assisting in suicide is a crime and the charge is murder.
RCI has not proved the crucial elements of suicide: (1) the locus of origin (self-initiated) and (2) the intention (to cause, or not to cause death). Neither has RCI proved that TBH was aware or conscious of the potential of fatal outcome.
The RCI verdict is therefore illogical conceptually.
RCI lacking legitimate data of psychology
To establish suicide or suicidal behaviours, from the legal point of point of view, both the physical act (actus reas) and the mental element (mens reas) must be present; the mental element is intentionality i.e. the intention to suicide. It is self-evident that evidence must be produced to support any claims of suicide as the manner of death.
From the psychological point of view, the legitimate data which can or should be used as evidence are derived from experimental methods, observations and introspections.
There are 4 different types of data:
behavioural data
personal accounts of inner experience
symbolic data (symbolic creations of the mind such as texts or the language used), and
material data like the biological data and neuropsychological data
Behaviour is what can be seen or observed from the outside. The data gained and evaluated is called outsider viewpoint without going into the mental state of the subjects studied.
The inner experiences involve the feelings, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, reasons, motives and intentions. The data gained/evaluated is called the insider viewpoint. These cannot be seen directly from outside and can only be accessible to others through verbal or written reports or inferred from non-verbal behaviours.
Insider viewpoint without evidence
RCI had provided an insider viewpoint of TBH's psychological state of mind without giving any basis of how the data of inner experiences were collected and evaluated. It is more appropriate to say that RCI reconstructed the reality of TBH's psychological state in such a way that the suicide verdict is inescapable. This is a serious flaw of RCI's reasoning.
The relevant passage is found in RCI para.[233] page 72 (in italics below) and my comment run as follows:
-"Tormented by this predicament, TBH experienced a change in his state of mind."
My comments: How did the commissioners know of TBH's torment of predicament and inner experience of psychological changes? What evidence?
- "And in a matter of hours, this change transformed him from being in the low-risk group for suicide into the high-risk group."
My comments: Why the immediate grouping into suicidal and not other category? How likely is that within a matter of hours a person becomes suicidal? Having suicidal thoughts is different from suicidal behaviour. What evidence of suicidal behaviour is there with TBH?
- "The doubts, extreme emotional conflict and the immense feeling of guilt were all intolerable."
My comments: Guilt is an inner emotion and thought. How do the commissioners know? What evidence of TBH's inner feelings was being manifested?
"Finally, precipitating the irreversible crisis that happened to him between 3.30am and 7.00pm on the 16th, was the last straw that broke the camel's back."
My comments: Metaphor is no substitute for hard evidence. What really happened?
- "Finding no viable strategies to surmount the hurdle of accusations levelled, he found himself unable to escape from the suffocating quagmire in which he was trapped."
My comments: When and how did the commissioners know that TBH knew of no other viable strategies?
- "Losing all hope, TBH would have felt trapped and have succumbed to despair."
My comments: When and how did the commissioners know that TBH had lost all hope?
- "Since the window on the 14th floor was either open or could be easily opened and it was conspicuous..., TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out of the window, even though it meant taking his own life."
My comments: How did the commissioners know TBH's intention to suicide?
The above reconstruction sounds more like a survivor's account of suicide attempt.
Reconstruction and interpretation of suicidal thoughts and behaviours must relate to legitimate data. Without a proper and sound method of data collection and interpretation, we can only infer that the data is manufactured out of imagination.
RCI couldn’t have known
RCI had used various terms like "extreme emotional conflict", "guilt...all intolerable", "irreversible crisis", "losing all hope", "succumbed to despair" to give an account TBH's subjective psychological state of mind after the interrogations. Then, they described TBH's judgement of the extreme situation as "no viable strategies", "unable to escape" and "trapped". The depiction of TBH's immense emotional turmoil and the judgement of "no escape" was framed in such a way as to lead to the inevitable consequence of "jumping out of the window".
The way that extremes in emotion and impairment in judgement are attributed to TBH without any correlation to any specific time, specific location, specific events and specific details raises the serious doubt of its authenticity.
Highly subjective and using loaded phraseology
RCI used a large amount of rather emotional, subjective and value-judgement words and phrases to describe TBH's state of mind. For example:
"[219]...Taking his mobile phone away would have meant robbing him of his means to reality and sanity. And the MACC officers did just that. Thus, for the first time in his life, TBH found himself totally and completely isolated from the outside world and thrust into desolation..." (RCI, pp.71)
Are the commissioners suggesting that TBH was losing his sense of reality and sanity just because of a handphone? And suggesting that TBH was going insane?
And how do they know that it was the first time in TBH's life that he felt "totally and completely isolated"? Presumably, they had special access into TBH's autobiographical memories and all the life stories.
The first sentence of the RCI finding using a third-person perspective speaks of "...would have meant...". But by the third sentence, a speculation by RCI had become a fact – "TBH found himself totally....". It is a remarkable feat to blur the reality by switching from one dimension of reality to another.
It is important to analyse this short passage as the whole argument for the suicide verdict is constructed using similar lines of reasoning or reconstruction of mental reality.
Risk factors are not causal factors
Risk factors are still risk factors, however high or acute it is. Risk factors are not causal factors unless proven so.
Just because RCI suggests that someone feels trapped and troubled by hopelessness does not mean that the individual would commit suicide. In fact, even most people who have previously harboured suicidal thoughts still do not do so.
All the three psychiatrists who gave expert opinion to the RCI were of the view that TBH belonged to low-risk group for suicide after reviewing TBH's life history against the risk factors.
The psychiatrists were Dr Badi'ah Yahya, a forensic psychiatrist and Dr Nor Hayati Ali from the Ministry of Health, and Paul Edward Mullen, emeritus professor of forensic psychiatry, Monash University, Australia. Dr Badi'ah and Dr Hayati based their argument on the observation that TBH came from an intact family, had a stable job, and had no history of mental illness, impulsivity or substance abuse.
However, RCI ignored the expert opinions of the low probability of suicide and argued that TBH had undergone dramatic psychological changes from the low-risk group to the high-risk group for suicide when taken in by the MACC on July 15, 2009.
Quite early in their argument, RCI chose to categorise that TBH belonged to a high-risk group for suicide. Instead of choosing to argue out what was the probability of each of the manners of death (natural, accident, homicide or suicide), RCI ruled out all other scenarios and was fixated on the sole verdict of suicide.
RCI then used the hypothesised emotional state to justify suicide was the only way out for TBH.
No warning signs of suicide
RCI adopted the approach of insider viewpoint in arguing for the suicide verdict. RCI first classified TBH belonging to high-risk group for suicide and then provided purported details of TBH's inner emotions and thoughts before he purportedly took the decision to ‘jump’.
From their approach, we would have expected that RCI had managed to gather evidence of signs of TBH of wanting to commit suicide. Strangely, no such evidence was produced.
According to the American Association of Suicidology, a person in acute risk for suicidal behaviour most often will show the following warning signs:
“Threatening to hurt or kill himself or herself, or talking of wanting to hurt or kill him/herself; and/or
Looking for ways to kill him/herself by seeking access to firearms, available pills, or other means; and/or
Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide, when these actions are out of the ordinary.”
RCI had not provided any credible and convincing evidence that TBH had suicidal thoughts or suicidal behaviour. It is at best mere speculation and at worst the manufacture of inner experience of a supposedly insider viewpoint.
RCI had failed immensely to establish TBH's intention to suicide.
TBH stable and supported
Van Orden et al. (2010) proposed that the most dangerous form of suicidal desire is caused by the simultaneous presence of two factors – the thwarted belongingness (I am alone) and perceived burdensomeness (I am a burden) – and the hopelessness of these situations.
Also, the individual must acquire the capacity to engage in suicidal behaviour.
It is most unlikely that TBH would have felt hopeless when he was only detained less than 24 hours and there were ample opportunities for him to be reconnected to the outside world.
There is no reason for TBH to entertain the thought that his family, friends and colleagues in the outside world had abandoned him.
Subsequent events following news of TBH’s death saw an outpouring of support – including many friends, colleagues and ex-colleagues – for the family. It is clear from this that TBH had a sound social network of support to cope with any traumatic events.
Thus, the attribution of despair and hopelessness by RCI onto TBH is falsely created.
A physical and mental wreck will not commit suicide
Para. [229] stated that "By the time the fourth or final stage of the interrogation was over, TBH would have been almost a mental and physical wreck. When Ashraf fetched him a glass of water [demanded impolitely by TBH], TBH was said to have sat up very slowly."
It is clear that in such a tortured weakened state, TBH would not have sufficient strength to commit suicide. When he could hardly move, he could not be expected to jump out of the window. This RCI conclusion now of TBH’s physical near collapse is self-contradictory to its melodramatic reconstruction of a fevered, despairing mind planning an energetic act of self-annihilation.
It is more probable that TBH would want to get out of the dreaded MACC building the moment he had the chance and the energy.
The RCI's suicide verdict is questionable as the reasoning in its argument is deeply flawed. Mere speculation of TBH's psychological state prior to death had become hard facts.
The authenticity of the evidence of intention to suicide used to support the claim is doubtful.
The inference from such evidence to the conclusion of suicide is invalid and unsound.
RCI based its reasoning on reconstructed suicidal thought. It is not inevitable that suicidal thoughts would lead to suicide. Also, it has not provided any evidence of suicidal behaviour or warning signs of suicide. The seriously weakened mental and physical state TBH as described by the commissioners shows that suicide is implausible.
RCI should have delivered an open verdict as it is a matter of intellectual honesty and integrity to respect facts and evidence.
Death would only have meaning when the truth is revealed and justice is done.
Reference List
De Leo, D., Burgis, S., Bertolote, J.M., Kerkhof, A.J.F.M., and Bille-Brahe, U. (2006), Definitions of suicidal behaviour. Crisis, 27(1), 4-15.
Van Orden, K. A., Witte, T.K., Cukrowicz, Braithwaite, S.R., Selby, E.A. and Joiner, Jr., T.E. (2010), The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Psychological Review, 117 (2), 576-600.
19 August 2011,
Written by CT Wong Friday
可是皇委会的报告出来了,我国史上最大宗的“悬案”不但没有进步反而还退步成为白纸黑字的自杀了。而大部份人对赵家,有同情心,却没有同理心。所以这样的热情不长久。很残忍,可是看著一年比一年人少的追思会,大家都看到一个事实—— 人,是善忘的。
苏淑慧的回信, 这么写著。
她不知道,她那一句 已经是头条了。很淡,可是当中却又包含太多的情感。
而我在裡邊, 嗅到了一絲因為包持希望而帶來失望的恨意。即使她每次出現都彷佛淡淡的不在乎,但是內傷,是看不見的。
她又笑。“不懂咧。” “我开始看到皇家委员会成立的时感觉还普普通通的,我是看到它在审的时候看到反贪会的错漏百出什么东西都给他们挖出来呀,哎呀很有希望的样子,还蛮开心下。”
“等天收、人在做,天在看这些都是鬼话,真有天,一切一切就不会发生。你知道,经过他的事情之后,我不相信鬼神, 我也不拜神的。”
第五,2009年6月的時候,有訪客在未經許可情況下,誤闖反貪委會官員辦公室。所以時任雪州反貪委會副總監的希山慕丁就發出指示,不論證人還是訪客,在他身在反貪委會期間,都必須有官員陪同。所以在錄完口供后,明福必定也有人陪同。換言之,既然明福沒被釋放,那必然就有第四次的審問。皇委會推斷,第四次審訊發生在凌晨3點半至6點期間。主要負責盤問明福的官員,正是展開Ops DUN的主要負責人,時任雪州反貪委會副主任的希山慕丁。
第五,2009年6月的時候,有訪客在未經許可情況下,誤闖反貪委會官員辦公室。所以時任雪州反貪委會副總監的希山慕丁就發出指示,不論證人還是訪客,在他身在反貪委會期間,都必須有官員陪同。所以在錄完口供后,明福必定也有人陪同。換言之,既然明福沒被釋放,那必然就有第四次的審問。皇委會推斷,第四次審訊發生在凌晨3點半至6點期間。主要負責盤問明福的官員,正是展開Ops DUN的主要負責人,時任雪州反貪委會副主任的希山慕丁。
為了調查雪州民聯議員濫用撥款的情報,前雪州反貪會副總監希山慕丁從各分局調派人手來參與7月15號的行動。其中一人是布城反貪污委員會總部官員布基尼(Bulkini Paharuddin)。
在皇委會的聽審過程中,反貪會的官員重複著同樣的說法。被皇委會標籤為“濫權者”的反貪會官員阿斯拉夫(Mohd Asraf Mohd Yunus)言之鑿鑿的表示,他在凌晨4點40分準備離開反貪會時,看到明福正舒舒服服的躺在沙發上。在明福的要求下,阿斯拉夫親自到茶水間為明福捧來一杯水。(皇委會報告第55段)
在皇委會的聽審過程中,反貪會的官員重複著同樣的說法。被皇委會標籤為“濫權者”的反貪會官員阿斯拉夫(Mohd Asraf Mohd Yunus)言之鑿鑿的表示,他在凌晨4點40分準備離開反貪會時,看到明福正舒舒服服的躺在沙發上。在明福的要求下,阿斯拉夫親自到茶水間為明福捧來一杯水。(皇委會報告第55段)
悲劇的源頭來自2009年6月22日時任雪州反貪會副總監希山慕丁所收到,指雪州民聯議員濫用撥款的情報。儘管所謂的“情報”只是告密者的一面之詞,希山慕丁沒有進一步確認該訊息的正確性,卻即刻展開雷霆搜索Ops DUN,成立9個小組來調查該指控。由于人手不足,希山慕丁更從雪州反貪會的其他分局調派人手來參與7月15號的行動。反貪會當天出動了33官員來調查歐陽捍華和劉永山兩位州議員。
今年4月27日,雪州反貪會執法助理阿晉(Azeen Hafees Jamaluddin)在皇委會供證時揭露,反貪會曾為了應付趙明福墜樓案驗屍庭及當時可能召開的皇委會,而數度召開會面及會議以統一官員的口供。在其中一場由布城總部召開的會議上,希山慕丁更指示所有的官員,須對外指稱2009年7月15日當天突擊行動是由雪州調查主任凱魯依漢統籌。
或許有人會說,也許這一切都是巧合呢?的確,這一切可能都是巧合,畢竟“Malaysia Boleh”嘛!”
悲劇的源頭來自2009年6月22日時任雪州反貪會副總監希山慕丁所收到,指雪州民聯議員濫用撥款的情報。儘管所謂的“情報”只是告密者的一面之詞,希山慕丁沒有進一步確認該訊息的正確性,卻即刻展開雷霆搜索Ops DUN,成立9個小組來調查該指控。由于人手不足,希山慕丁更從雪州反貪會的其他分局調派人手來參與7月15號的行動。反貪會當天出動了33官員來調查歐陽捍華和劉永山兩位州議員。
今年4月27日,雪州反貪會執法助理阿晉(Azeen Hafees Jamaluddin)在皇委會供證時揭露,反貪會曾為了應付趙明福墜樓案驗屍庭及當時可能召開的皇委會,而數度召開會面及會議以統一官員的口供。在其中一場由布城總部召開的會議上,希山慕丁更指示所有的官員,須對外指稱2009年7月15日當天突擊行動是由雪州調查主任凱魯依漢統籌。
或許有人會說,也許這一切都是巧合呢?的確,這一切可能都是巧合,畢竟“Malaysia Boleh”嘛!”
他們首先在文告中澄清,他們所聘請的心理鑒證專家保羅馬倫教授(Paul Mullen)並沒有做出趙明福是自殺的結論,相反的,他的證詞表示“從我們瞭解的趙明福的人格和行為,並沒有顯示任何自殺風險的增加”而且“根據其經驗,當天發生的事件不會導致趙明福在‘扣留期間自殺’”。
他們首先在文告中澄清,他們所聘請的心理鑒證專家保羅馬倫教授(Paul Mullen)並沒有做出趙明福是自殺的結論,相反的,他的證詞表示“從我們瞭解的趙明福的人格和行為,並沒有顯示任何自殺風險的增加”而且“根據其經驗,當天發生的事件不會導致趙明福在‘扣留期間自殺’”。
第一次參加聚會的小朋友John Choo說,其實麗蘭的一聲謝謝,他就已落淚了。什麼也不說,什麼也說不出,他反而更加感同身受。相反的,其它政治人物說的話,讓他覺得破壞了悲傷但詳和的氣氛。
第一次參加聚會的小朋友John Choo說,其實麗蘭的一聲謝謝,他就已落淚了。什麼也不說,什麼也說不出,他反而更加感同身受。相反的,其它政治人物說的話,讓他覺得破壞了悲傷但詳和的氣氛。
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund Updates
3-Oct-09 Allowance for Cher Wee for monthly maternity check up 2000.00
2-Oct-09 Supplements for Cher Wee 186.90
10-Feb-10 Cord Blood Banking 4500.00
10-Feb-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Feb 2010 till April 2010) 2002.15
4-Mar-10 Inpatient Bill - Pantai Hospital, Batu Pahat 2549.85
16-Jun-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (May 2010 till December 2010) 8002.15
11-Oct-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Jan 2011 till June 2011) 6002.15
25-May-11 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (July 2011 till December 2011) 6002.15
Closing Balance as at 23 July 2011 451,119.55http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Expenses 31,245.35
Education Insurance 15,002.25
3-Oct-09 Allowance for Cher Wee for monthly maternity check up 2000.00
2-Oct-09 Supplements for Cher Wee 186.90
10-Feb-10 Cord Blood Banking 4500.00
10-Feb-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Feb 2010 till April 2010) 2002.15
4-Mar-10 Inpatient Bill - Pantai Hospital, Batu Pahat 2549.85
16-Jun-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (May 2010 till December 2010) 8002.15
11-Oct-10 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (Jan 2011 till June 2011) 6002.15
25-May-11 Monthly Allowance for Er Jia (July 2011 till December 2011) 6002.15
Closing Balance as at 23 July 2011 451,119.55http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Expenses 31,245.35
Education Insurance 15,002.25
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
如果沒有記錯,他是三年內的第一千五百個吧。記得阿米奴嗎。記得古甘嗎。記得沙巴尼,以至最近驗屍報告才證明是跪著被槍決的Mohd Khairul Nizam Tuah(20歲)、Mohd Hanafi Omar(22歲)以及才15歲的Mohd Shamil Hafiz Shafie嗎。
Friday, August 12, 2011
Bar council's full submission on TBH RCI
Download Bar council's full submission on TBH RCI at loyarbocor! 下载律师公会呈交给赵明福案皇委会的完整报告!
Who killed Teoh Beng Hock?
The burden of proving that Teoh’s death was an accident lies on those who had held him at the MACC
By N H Chan
Recently (see my article “If you put the cart before the horse” or “Cart and Horse” depending on where you have read it), I wrote about the unfounded conclusion of a befuddled Royal Commission of Inquiry that Teoh Beng Hock was driven to suicide while he was in the custody of the MACC.
One still wonders how such a conclusion could ever have been reached by the RCI without any evidence to support it whatsoever! Such evidence requires the opinion of an expert – which is a relevant fact under section 45 of the Evidence Act – to say that Teoh was driven to suicide as a direct consequence of the third degree method of interrogation inflicted on him by the police while he was in the custody of the MACC. It is because the finding of the RCI that Teoh was driven to suicide was unsupported by any evidence that we all realized how silly had been those judges who sat on the Royal commission. Those three judges have since become the laughing stock of the nation!
This nursery rhyme from our early childhood immediately comes to mind:
Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run.
They all ran after the farmer’s wife
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a thing in your life
As three blind mice?
Those three blind mice that ran after the farmer’s wife got their tails cut off.
Like the three blind mice, the three judges of the Teoh Beng Hock RCI were unable to see the wood for the trees in the forest of their task to enquire into the death of TBH. Because they were blinded by the confusion of their task they could only manage to come out with an unfounded opinion.
Have you ever seen such a thing in your life as three blind judges? Were our judges incompetent? Or were they interested in the pursuit of their own aggrandizement? “Judges are not interested in the pursuit of power. If they were, they would not have become judges” said Lord Nolan in his lecture “Certainty and Justice: The Demands on the Law in a Changing Environment” at The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, at pages 312-313. Undoubtedly judges who are interested in the pursuit of power are corrupt; for power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So now you know. They are either incompetent or corrupt.
Now is an opportune moment to discuss further. Since Teoh did not commit suicide as there was no evidence to support such a conclusion, then how did he fall from the window on the 14th floor to his death?
How did Teoh fall to his death?
We all know that Teoh fell from the MACC building to his death when he was in the custody of the MACC. We also know that he was subjected to cruel and unrelenting interrogation by the police officers at the MACC who wanted to extract a confession from him so as to implicate the Selangor state government with alleged wrongdoings. He was found dead from a fall from a window on the 14th floor of the MACC building. All these happenings cannot be denied because it has been revealed at the hearing of the RCI.
One should also know that section 106 of the Evidence Act 1950 says the burden of proving any fact especially within the knowledge of any person lies on him. So that in the TBH case, the burden of proving how TBH died lies on the MACC. This is because only the MACC and its personnel knew how TBH was killed. His death occurred when TBH was in the custody of the MACC. That is why the Malaysian Bar said “that full responsibility for Teoh Beng Hock’s death lies squarely and solely on the MACC”. This is what section 106 says:
106. Burden of proving fact especially within knowledge
When any fact is especially within the knowledge of any person, the burden of proving that fact is upon him.
(a) When a person does an act with some intention other than that which the character and circumstances of the act suggest, the burden of proving that intention is upon him.
(b) A is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that he had a ticket is on him.
This is what the Malaysian Bar said (see loyarburok.com on “Teoh Beng Hock: the search for justice and truth must continue):
It is very clear to the Malaysian Bar that full responsibility for Teoh Beng Hock’s death lies squarely and solely on the MACC, and that immediate action must be taken to hold the culpable officers accountable for their behaviour. … The authorities should investigate the relevant MACC officers for possible offences under sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code, namely for culpable homicide not amounting to murder and for causing the death of TBH by negligence, respectively.
Actually the Malaysian Bar was being polite for suggesting an investigation by the authorities on possible offences under sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code. Unquestionably a crime was committed. The authorities are duty bound to prosecute the perpetrators who have become common criminals irrespective of their rank in the police force! The ball is now in the court of the Public Prosecutor, who, as we all know, is the Attorney-General, to do his duty.
What then are the crimes these policemen of the MACC were supposed to have committed? As suggested by the Malaysian Bar, they are sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code and, I would add, even murder under section 302 of the same Code. It doesn’t matter which is the section applicable as the burden is on the accused persons to prove the facts which are in their knowledge to try to reduce the charge to a lesser one.
It is murder (section 302) if TBH was dropped from the 14th floor to his death by his captors.
It is culpable homicide not amounting to murder (section 304) if TBH was taken to the window to frighten him but his captors somehow lost their grip and he fell to his death.
It may be a case of causing the death of TBH by negligence under section 304A if TBH had tried to escape by climbing out of the window and fell to his death in the attempt. The negligence is for leaving the window on the 14th floor conveniently open.
The above are the possible scenarios for the reduction of the crime from murder. But it is on the accused to prove the exculpating factors.
I use the word “captors” decidedly. A witness is never restrained and he is interviewed. He is free to leave at any time. A suspect is restrained and he is interrogated. He has no freedom of movement. He is held in custody. That is why in the coroner’s inquiry into the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini we get this kind of answer from a witness:
Awtar: What is the reason for him to climb out of the window? Why didn’t he use other ways?
Dr Shahrom: From what I was told by the police, he had a visitor’s pass, which only allowed him to go up the building, not down.
[see the New Straits Times, Thursday, August 4, 2011]
Could Teoh have accidentally fallen to his death?
We have ruled out suicide for the reasons stated above. Was his death accidental then? Of course, if the accused persons could show that TBH’s death was an accident then the culprits would get off scot free.
I think it is most unlikely that such a defence can succeed. How could TBH or anyone fall out of a window by accident, meaning by chance or without apparent cause? There was no reason or cause for TBH to climb out of the window on the 14th floor. Unless he was trying to escape from his captors in which case it would not be an accident at all. But, in any case, there was never any suggestion that Teoh tried to escape through the window before the RCI. Therefore, such a defence if raised could only be an afterthought. As such it is no defence at all.
An accident is an incident that happens by chance or without apparent cause. An incident that is happening by chance is a fortuitous happening – an accident.
In any case, I think, section 15 of the Evidence Act is worth considering when there is a trend of people falling to their deaths when they were held by the MACC as witnesses. Section 15 reads:
15. When there is a question whether any act was accidental or intentional or done with a particular knowledge or intention, the fact that the act formed part of a series of similar occurrences, in each of which the person doing the act was concerned, is relevant.
Could homicide be ruled out?
There was a suggestion from some forensic pathologist that there were no injuries on Teoh’s body not related to the fall to show that there was a struggle or resistance to being pushed or carried to the window. Since there was also no sign of damage to the window sill to show any sign of a struggle, homicide, according to their cloistered mind, was ruled out.
It doesn’t take a kung fu or karate exponent to know that a person could be disabled in such a way that he would not be able to put up any resistance or struggle against his captors.
Speaking from my own experience as a criminal lawyer in my younger days at the Bar, I know that most suspects when subjected to intense and prolonged interrogation were generally docile and would not put up a struggle when asked to perform certain tasks like being asked to remove their pants and to sit on ice.
Also, because I have done it myself, I know it is not difficult to subdue a person to do as he is told with very little physical effort on my part. The easiest thing that I have used when I was set upon by a thug when I was a student in London who had grasped my throat was to grab the little finger of the hand that grabbed my throat with my hand and by bending the finger upward the pain inflicted on my assailant was so excruciating that I could make him do anything. It would not take much effort to snap his little finger but there was no need. I made him kneel to say he was sorry. He never tried to bully me again.
The easiest way to make a person do as he is told is to use an arm lock on him from behind. On the other hand a policeman would simply put a pair of handcuffs on his wrists behind his back. He can then be led to the window without a struggle. In most cases the suspect is docile so that you don’t even have to disable him. There are other methods but any trained policeman would know how to do it.
In a disabled state the suspect with some assistance from his captors could even be made to climb onto the window sill without a struggle and made to sit there.
By N H Chan
Recently (see my article “If you put the cart before the horse” or “Cart and Horse” depending on where you have read it), I wrote about the unfounded conclusion of a befuddled Royal Commission of Inquiry that Teoh Beng Hock was driven to suicide while he was in the custody of the MACC.
One still wonders how such a conclusion could ever have been reached by the RCI without any evidence to support it whatsoever! Such evidence requires the opinion of an expert – which is a relevant fact under section 45 of the Evidence Act – to say that Teoh was driven to suicide as a direct consequence of the third degree method of interrogation inflicted on him by the police while he was in the custody of the MACC. It is because the finding of the RCI that Teoh was driven to suicide was unsupported by any evidence that we all realized how silly had been those judges who sat on the Royal commission. Those three judges have since become the laughing stock of the nation!
This nursery rhyme from our early childhood immediately comes to mind:
Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run.
They all ran after the farmer’s wife
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a thing in your life
As three blind mice?
Those three blind mice that ran after the farmer’s wife got their tails cut off.
Like the three blind mice, the three judges of the Teoh Beng Hock RCI were unable to see the wood for the trees in the forest of their task to enquire into the death of TBH. Because they were blinded by the confusion of their task they could only manage to come out with an unfounded opinion.
Have you ever seen such a thing in your life as three blind judges? Were our judges incompetent? Or were they interested in the pursuit of their own aggrandizement? “Judges are not interested in the pursuit of power. If they were, they would not have become judges” said Lord Nolan in his lecture “Certainty and Justice: The Demands on the Law in a Changing Environment” at The Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lectures, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, at pages 312-313. Undoubtedly judges who are interested in the pursuit of power are corrupt; for power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So now you know. They are either incompetent or corrupt.
Now is an opportune moment to discuss further. Since Teoh did not commit suicide as there was no evidence to support such a conclusion, then how did he fall from the window on the 14th floor to his death?
How did Teoh fall to his death?
We all know that Teoh fell from the MACC building to his death when he was in the custody of the MACC. We also know that he was subjected to cruel and unrelenting interrogation by the police officers at the MACC who wanted to extract a confession from him so as to implicate the Selangor state government with alleged wrongdoings. He was found dead from a fall from a window on the 14th floor of the MACC building. All these happenings cannot be denied because it has been revealed at the hearing of the RCI.
One should also know that section 106 of the Evidence Act 1950 says the burden of proving any fact especially within the knowledge of any person lies on him. So that in the TBH case, the burden of proving how TBH died lies on the MACC. This is because only the MACC and its personnel knew how TBH was killed. His death occurred when TBH was in the custody of the MACC. That is why the Malaysian Bar said “that full responsibility for Teoh Beng Hock’s death lies squarely and solely on the MACC”. This is what section 106 says:
106. Burden of proving fact especially within knowledge
When any fact is especially within the knowledge of any person, the burden of proving that fact is upon him.
(a) When a person does an act with some intention other than that which the character and circumstances of the act suggest, the burden of proving that intention is upon him.
(b) A is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that he had a ticket is on him.
This is what the Malaysian Bar said (see loyarburok.com on “Teoh Beng Hock: the search for justice and truth must continue):
It is very clear to the Malaysian Bar that full responsibility for Teoh Beng Hock’s death lies squarely and solely on the MACC, and that immediate action must be taken to hold the culpable officers accountable for their behaviour. … The authorities should investigate the relevant MACC officers for possible offences under sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code, namely for culpable homicide not amounting to murder and for causing the death of TBH by negligence, respectively.
Actually the Malaysian Bar was being polite for suggesting an investigation by the authorities on possible offences under sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code. Unquestionably a crime was committed. The authorities are duty bound to prosecute the perpetrators who have become common criminals irrespective of their rank in the police force! The ball is now in the court of the Public Prosecutor, who, as we all know, is the Attorney-General, to do his duty.
What then are the crimes these policemen of the MACC were supposed to have committed? As suggested by the Malaysian Bar, they are sections 304 and 304A of the Penal Code and, I would add, even murder under section 302 of the same Code. It doesn’t matter which is the section applicable as the burden is on the accused persons to prove the facts which are in their knowledge to try to reduce the charge to a lesser one.
It is murder (section 302) if TBH was dropped from the 14th floor to his death by his captors.
It is culpable homicide not amounting to murder (section 304) if TBH was taken to the window to frighten him but his captors somehow lost their grip and he fell to his death.
It may be a case of causing the death of TBH by negligence under section 304A if TBH had tried to escape by climbing out of the window and fell to his death in the attempt. The negligence is for leaving the window on the 14th floor conveniently open.
The above are the possible scenarios for the reduction of the crime from murder. But it is on the accused to prove the exculpating factors.
I use the word “captors” decidedly. A witness is never restrained and he is interviewed. He is free to leave at any time. A suspect is restrained and he is interrogated. He has no freedom of movement. He is held in custody. That is why in the coroner’s inquiry into the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini we get this kind of answer from a witness:
Awtar: What is the reason for him to climb out of the window? Why didn’t he use other ways?
Dr Shahrom: From what I was told by the police, he had a visitor’s pass, which only allowed him to go up the building, not down.
[see the New Straits Times, Thursday, August 4, 2011]
Could Teoh have accidentally fallen to his death?
We have ruled out suicide for the reasons stated above. Was his death accidental then? Of course, if the accused persons could show that TBH’s death was an accident then the culprits would get off scot free.
I think it is most unlikely that such a defence can succeed. How could TBH or anyone fall out of a window by accident, meaning by chance or without apparent cause? There was no reason or cause for TBH to climb out of the window on the 14th floor. Unless he was trying to escape from his captors in which case it would not be an accident at all. But, in any case, there was never any suggestion that Teoh tried to escape through the window before the RCI. Therefore, such a defence if raised could only be an afterthought. As such it is no defence at all.
An accident is an incident that happens by chance or without apparent cause. An incident that is happening by chance is a fortuitous happening – an accident.
In any case, I think, section 15 of the Evidence Act is worth considering when there is a trend of people falling to their deaths when they were held by the MACC as witnesses. Section 15 reads:
15. When there is a question whether any act was accidental or intentional or done with a particular knowledge or intention, the fact that the act formed part of a series of similar occurrences, in each of which the person doing the act was concerned, is relevant.
Could homicide be ruled out?
There was a suggestion from some forensic pathologist that there were no injuries on Teoh’s body not related to the fall to show that there was a struggle or resistance to being pushed or carried to the window. Since there was also no sign of damage to the window sill to show any sign of a struggle, homicide, according to their cloistered mind, was ruled out.
It doesn’t take a kung fu or karate exponent to know that a person could be disabled in such a way that he would not be able to put up any resistance or struggle against his captors.
Speaking from my own experience as a criminal lawyer in my younger days at the Bar, I know that most suspects when subjected to intense and prolonged interrogation were generally docile and would not put up a struggle when asked to perform certain tasks like being asked to remove their pants and to sit on ice.
Also, because I have done it myself, I know it is not difficult to subdue a person to do as he is told with very little physical effort on my part. The easiest thing that I have used when I was set upon by a thug when I was a student in London who had grasped my throat was to grab the little finger of the hand that grabbed my throat with my hand and by bending the finger upward the pain inflicted on my assailant was so excruciating that I could make him do anything. It would not take much effort to snap his little finger but there was no need. I made him kneel to say he was sorry. He never tried to bully me again.
The easiest way to make a person do as he is told is to use an arm lock on him from behind. On the other hand a policeman would simply put a pair of handcuffs on his wrists behind his back. He can then be led to the window without a struggle. In most cases the suspect is docile so that you don’t even have to disable him. There are other methods but any trained policeman would know how to do it.
In a disabled state the suspect with some assistance from his captors could even be made to climb onto the window sill without a struggle and made to sit there.
Candle Light Vigil in Rememberance of The Souls Who Died In Innocence
Date: Saturday, August 13
Time: 8:30pm - 11:30pm
Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam
Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah F 9/F
Shah Alam, Malaysia
Created By:
Chia Chin Yau
More Info:
Candle Light Vigil in Rememberance of The Souls Who Died In Innocence, this Saturday, 13 Aug, 8.30pm at Plaza Masalam, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah F 9/F, 40100 Shah Alam.
*Pls bring along candle & mineral water. Thank u.
Sudah dua tahun mu terbunuh, namun kebenaran belum terjawap. Terpasksalah, kita lepas cinta dan sayang terhadap Beng Hock. Tapi, kita tidak akan melepaskan tuntutan utk mengembalikan kebenaran dan maruah-mu. Sila datang sokong Vigil for Beng Hock, Plaza masalam, 13 Aug, 8.30pm.
本週六,8月13號,晚上八點半,我們將在趙明福的臥屍地瑪茲蘭大廈(Plaza Masalam),舉行《七月十四 — 冤魂祭》,以點點燭光,哀綽所有馬來西亞的冤魂。
Thursday, August 11, 2011
未追究反贪会对明福命案责任 林吉祥抨皇委会犯下一大错漏
“在这种情况底下,我们很难把所有证据拼凑在一起,找出究竟在Plaza Masalam发生了什么事?赵明福为什么死亡?”
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
结案陈词与皇委会大相径庭 律师公会未解释赵明福坠楼
向会员公布赵明福结案陈词 律师公会建议误杀罪查五人
这包括皇委会报告所点名的3名官员——前雪州反贪会副主席希山慕丁(Hishamuddin Hashim)、雪州反贪会调案官安努亚依斯迈(Mohamad Anuar Ismail),以及雪州反贪会执法助理官员阿斯拉夫(Mohd Asraf Mohd Yunus)。
另外两人则是雪州反贪会调查主任凯鲁依汉(Hairul Ilham Hamzah),以及巴生反贪会执法助理官员祖基菲里阿兹(Zulkefly Aziz)。
他们包括布基尼(Bulkini Paharuddin)、艾弗祖(Effezul Azran Abdul Maulop)、阿曼(Arman Alies)、雷蒙(Raymond Nion)和莫哈末纳兹里(Mohd Nadzri Ibrahim)。
它是由5名律师公会代表律师签署,包括律师公会副主席梁肇富、西华南迪仁(S Sivaneindiren)、赵伟、刘罗拨特(Robert Low,译音)和云大舜。
他们也引述本身聘请的心理鉴证专家保罗马伦教授(Paul Mullen)的报告,来证明他们的论点。
他们也引用一宗民事案例强调,扣留期间死亡是文明法治社会最糟糕的刑事案,因此反贪会有责任证明赵明福的死并没有任何刑事元素(foul play)。
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